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  1. Baron Van Wolfen

    Zack Fair Vs Vincent Valentine

    Huh, well seems Zack loses. I would put Vince in a match against the next power level, which would be AC Cloud but the creators already said Cloud is stronger than Chaos and that he is seph's rival so that would be a waste of time:P What position do you think Zack is on the FF7 power ladder...
  2. Baron Van Wolfen

    And then Square said "Let me give you despair" - Sephiroth's misuse.

    Indeed. Tifa, vincent, the creators and even sephiroth remarks cloud has grown stronger.
  3. Baron Van Wolfen

    And then Square said "Let me give you despair" - Sephiroth's misuse.

    Well yea i meant that sephiroth will lose because he is the bad guy:gasp: Though it is explainable that cloud can survive stabwounds, since he himself is a sephiroth clone. Sephiroth will basically lose due to plot, and cloud will only get stronger due to plot.
  4. Baron Van Wolfen

    And then Square said "Let me give you despair" - Sephiroth's misuse.

    There's a small error in your post though. Actually Kadaj does not have a body. He puts materia in his arms, he is an embodiment of sephiroth's will. Sephiroth's body in ACC is made of jenova cells multiplied by accelerated rates from the scanter jenova cells in the box. It's all explained in...
  5. Baron Van Wolfen

    And then Square said "Let me give you despair" - Sephiroth's misuse.

    You shouldn’t worry too much about sephiroth losing in dissidia. The powerlevels are completely off the charts there. They have to nerf certain characters in cameos and spinoffs....because they can’t have these characters going around destroying everything. For example squall could fight...
  6. Baron Van Wolfen

    And then Square said "Let me give you despair" - Sephiroth's misuse.

    Thing is cloud is also a supersoldier, he technically is still a sephiroth clone. Well sephiroth is stronger than cloud there is no doubt about that, the creator themselves stated he's stronger than anything in FF7. BUT the thing is cloud's inevitable character development from being a puppet...
  7. Baron Van Wolfen

    And then Square said "Let me give you despair" - Sephiroth's misuse.

    I do agree, that there's some sort of phenomenon that's shifted some of the old love for FF7. I do tend to see more dislike towards it nowadays.....maybe it's just me, but it's how i feel. And at the same time there is the exaltation of FF6 oddly enough. And yea FF7 focused on the duality and...
  8. Baron Van Wolfen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    He hasn`t flown in the original game. Outside of hovering and when he has his wing. He has in the compilation. Soldiers are seen to fly witht their wings and jump really high in CC. In DoC Cloud could cut omega weapon`s ray in half. So no the movie does keep mind of what the characters are...
  9. Baron Van Wolfen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    I don't really get where your going with your post. If you haven't seen crisis core or ACC then you must because it is without a doubt flying. The commentaries said they'd do cool stuff and wouldn't worry about the physics of it. Hence cloud being able to almost fly. But notice Only cloud e...
  10. Baron Van Wolfen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    Well, those with wings can definitely fly. Cloud can only avoid falling, ascend and boost himself, but not really flying. He can though most certainly fly during the omnislashV6. Yea sephiroth probably like physicall fighting better, but then again, having the knowledge of the ancients and a...
  11. Baron Van Wolfen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    It seemed slow because the thing was ascending from the hull upwards, but the whole body was intangible to be able to do that. If you give him access to materia then he would have, since kadaj was easily able to use it. Thing is katana attacks are spammable, and each one with the force of...
  12. Baron Van Wolfen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    Jenova(now whose new name is sephiroth) once phased through the hull of a boat. Concentrated cannon fire is a different kind of force from a hill destroying slash. Besides sephiroth can spam magic or summon something anyway. Or gets his lifestream to corrode it, or absorbs it actually since he...
  13. Baron Van Wolfen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    Sephiroth is FAR too fast to be tagged by any of SIN's attacks. He could always regenerate or block them with his barrier anyway. As for the barrier there are numerous ways to bypass it. The easiest one being he turns intangiable and phases through. Or summons something to blow it up, or hits...
  14. Baron Van Wolfen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    It really depends. I liked him as a villain more than SIN because well, SIN was just a mad whale half the time for me. I found it intriguing that Cloud always seemed to only half whisper sephiroth's name. And he was the first villain to be somewhat sympathetic with his back-story. Though i...
  15. Baron Van Wolfen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    Indeed, but ACC sephiroth >>>>>>>> FF7 sephiroth in power. Considering the dude has his own lifestream. SIN could damage the earth physically more than anyone, but conquer it or whatever seph can do it better. And it's not really calling on another power if it's his lifestraem, not the planets.
  16. Baron Van Wolfen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    Yea maybe. Though SIN would have to fire thosands of blasts to really hurt his planet. But still sephiroth could destroy the world without meteor easily after FF7. In AC he flicks his wrist and the apocalypse starts. I mean he could simply use his lifestream to make the planet his...
  17. Baron Van Wolfen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    Do you mean stronger storyline wise or gameplay wise? Because if you mean storyline wise, then i`d have to disagree, i think both sephiroth and kefka are far stronger than him.
  18. Baron Van Wolfen

    FF VS Anime battle 1

    Haven`t watched it too:/ Which makes it hard to judge based on internet profiles:ohshit: But if the soul eater verse really isin`t above hypersonic speeds(mach 5) than they most likely wouldn`t be able to react to people like Zack or Vincent. Cloud e Sephiroth are really kind of overkill...
  19. Baron Van Wolfen

    FF VS Anime battle 1

    True, but then, the thread maker would either stipulate a neutral ground or they n`t use materia. And the thread decription listed FFVII Vs the anime, believe XD
  20. Baron Van Wolfen

    FF VS Anime battle 1

    Hmm, i`m leaning towards FF here a bit......the speed difference seems a bit too much. Screams are soundspeed no? Then they won`t really help against people that move above mach 1, and second class SOLDIER Zack was like.....above mach 5.