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    cloud and jesse

    I think that Cloud and Jessie had a chance. Cloud wasn't one to show his emotions. I think that if Jessie would have stayed alive, then Cloud would have developed feelings for her if he had no already.
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    I didn't really like Rinoa all that much. She was always being attacked or kidnapped. If Zell sneezed in her general direction, she would fall into a coma. She is a spoiled girl who wants it her way, or you can just go die. She's uses a dog as her limit break. But, her weapon is kinda cool.
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    Zone may have a problem being around women since he's used to looking at them in magazines. As a result, he pretends to have stomach pains so he won't have to talk to them. That's my hypothesis anyway.....:randompoke:
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    Would FFX story be any better if...

    X-2 was the worst game ever. The gameplay was horrible. "Let's find spheres to help us find Tidus." Whom they don't evencall by name. (Referred to as "him") Some of the spheres let you change clothes. Woooo. Bottomline: There was more reason in teaching a pine cone to swim, than playing...
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    Which Materia

    Materia was an important part of FF7. But which one did you find the most useful?
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    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Cloud has Zack beat. Sephiroth defeated Zack at the Nibelheim reactor whilst Cloud defeated Sephiroth. This alone proves that Cloud could whoop Zack any day of the week. And then there's his wicked limit, Omnislash.:cloud:
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    Yuna or Rikku

    :rikku:Rikku of course!!!! Yuna is annoying. She's like a bad odor. She's exists only to annoy. Rikku rocks. She's cuter than yuna and more useful. Her "Mix" ability helped me a lot.:fan:
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    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    FF7 for PSX was a great game. I would like to see a remake of it. PS3 graphics would make the summons more awesome looking, not to mention the towns and boss fights(Weapon). They also may add some new side-quests and items.:shiva:
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    What did you do when Aeris died?

    What did I do when Aeris died? I killed Jenova and continued the story. I didn't use at all once I could get rid of her. She made the Temple of the Ancients a pain cause she was so weak. Bottomline, Aeris died and I got over it within three seconds of it. :cloud:
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    The Three to BE

    I heard from many people that the Cloud, Barret, Red XIII combo was used the most. Just asking who you chose.:P
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    Favourite Summon

    Knights on Round in FF VII has got any other summon beat. The attack power is amazing, though it is difficult to get. (you need a gold chocobo to get it) Phoenix is a pretty awesome summon as well:math:
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    Squall Vs. Seifer

    Let's look at Squall for a moment. He has friends but really doesn't aknowledge them. His Gunbladesmanship is rival to that of Seifer. While Seifer beleives himself to be Squall's better. If you think about it, Squall has the upper hand due to he has nothing to lose when fighting Seifer and...
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    Which Final Fantasy Character Needs to STFU?

    Idiocy unbound Scarlet and Heidegger from FF7 needed to be shut up. Their idiotic laugh and personalities annoyed me.:outtahere:GO AWAY HORRIBLE LAUGH! ARGGHHH!!!
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    What's your mood?

    I am cheerful!!! No work and classes are great! Hooray for not procrastinating!!!!:P
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    Favorite Magic

    The best spell would have to be Meteor in ff8. Combined with triple(which is also pretty nice to have) it can make a big dent in any enemies health.
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    Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

    I have to agree that cloud is the best hero. Omnislash is the best limit break ever.