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  1. Leonheartas

    Playstation Little Big Planet anger Muslims

    Yes, I remember that. Some of the decorations around Altrincham had to be 'toned' down. Sometimes I just get sick of it, we live in a world where everyone lives within each other, and people need to get used to it.
  2. Leonheartas

    Yuna or Rikku

    Hmm, Let's see: Yuna is the sort of good-willed, mature yet occasionally fun kind of character, and therefore for that reason alone, she seems like the best option. Rikku seems fun, energetic, confident and like zombies[INC] said growing in maturity. I did like Rikku however when she was a...
  3. Leonheartas

    You Know You Play Too Much Final Fantasy When...

    You know you play to much when you store water in vials and randomly throw them over yourself when your tired or hurt. You know you play to much when you wait your turn in a fight.
  4. Leonheartas

    Original *tears*

    Sorry Nukka Chan, I understand that you're on your psp (which is not the ideal place to write may I add) but this is terrible to read, the punctuation is out of place, capital letters left out etc. Spell check before you post maybe? Anyway, the story was more just a set of questions, however...
  5. Leonheartas

    Mitsuki's Photoshop Beginnings

    Im instantly in love with your work, because you've done a smallville GFX :) No but seriously, I love your Vivi one, everything blends together so well and Vivi stands out just right. The Smallville one is very clever, you managed to get all the characters in the right place IMO, and the...
  6. Leonheartas

    Worst Final Fantasy Game

    There were a few tactical Final Fantasies if I'm remembering rightly, and I remember borrowing it from a friend for my GB and getting absolutely sick of it after a couple of hours because it wasnt FF and the battle style didn't attract me. Therefore I voted other. Tom.
  7. Leonheartas

    Squall and Seifer Signature attempts.

    I'm pretty new here, but I thought I'd just post some graphics I've done based on Final Fantasy VIII, one of my favourite FF's. Squall: Seifer: I use for my graphics, so any tips related to this program would be nice, and any general opinions would be nice also. Thanks in...
  8. Leonheartas

    Agito XIII Set Request

    I couldn't upload it onto attachments because every file type I save in doesnt seem to upload so I just used Imageshack to post it up. I only did an Avatar because that's all I thought you meant, I don't know if you'll like it, but if you do and want to keep it, here is the link...
  9. Leonheartas

    Kei's Photoshop Works

    I love your new signature, you really did well with that render, all the contrast and stuff really makes me thing 'Woah, that's flippin awesome.'
  10. Leonheartas

    Regular Reading.

    I read on a regular basis, usually before I go to bed each night for around half an hour up to an hour depending on how drawn in I am to the particular event happening the book at that moment. However, in long holidays like the Summer, I'm too tired at night so I tend to just leave it lieing on...
  11. Leonheartas

    Where did the magic go? And Why?

    I agree. I got sucked into VIII and IX by just watching them being played by my mum, and know that I've finally been given the chance to play them I am also getting sucked into the world of the game, wanting to be there and experience it. However XII hasn't done that to me. The battle style is...
  12. Leonheartas

    Playstation Little Big Planet anger Muslims

    I totally agree. Just a waste of time and in my opinion selfish. I would have understood if it was abusing the Muslim faith brutally, but it's just quoting out of their holy book, which may I add, has been done in many songs. Tom.
  13. Leonheartas

    Would you like to see another spinoff to this game?

    That would be a cool idea Mirage, But I don't think that would be X-3, or any other game they'd be planning to bring out related to the goings on in X or X-2, I think it would merely be a spin-off sort of thing, like Dirge of Cerberus etc. I would really like their to be a little more...
  14. Leonheartas


    If you were round Rinoa for that long, wouldn't you feel a little sick? :P Only joking, but I think when people say it's because he gets nervous, that would probably be it. Wonder what happened to him in the end... Tom.
  15. Leonheartas

    Hey Hey.

    Yeah, It was awesome. Ever since I was 8+, I've watched my Mum playing on all the games, and she'd never end it without me there just so I wouldn't miss any part of the story-line, which in my experience is one of the best bits about each of the final fantasies. And only 4? That's awesome...
  16. Leonheartas

    Hey Hey.

    Haha, thanks alot Mitsuki. The writers boulevard? I'll take a look a.s.a.p. Aha, and yes, it's pretty cool. She's like my own guidebook, if I need to figure something out, she'll know the answer :P Tom.
  17. Leonheartas

    Hey Hey.

    Hey hey, I found this whilst googling about some information about the upcoming FFXIII and began to read numerous threads in each of the forums. I thought it seemed like an awesome place to hang out and share FF stories. I'm currently 15, will be 16 shortly, and after watching my Mum (yeah...