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  1. paochan

    FF role models

    mh, i don't really have a FF character as a role-model. but if i would relate to one that would have to be Tifa.. :3 and maybe some Aerith, because i can be very.. cheerful. XD but mostly Tifa.
  2. paochan

    Le Coco Shop

    ohhhh, i love it! :awesome: very beautiful *0* but.. i always call her Aerith. because that's her real name.. but yeah, i still think it's very pretty!
  3. paochan

    Le Coco Shop

    hmmm, you mean like a fanart? in that case i want this one.. i would like to have this one more...
  4. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    *sigh* i'm soooooooooooooooorry.. -.-'' i can see no one wants to talk about proofs, so whatever then >_> but you can find alot of proofs in the Ultimanias. hmmm, of course they would grow old together. and i don't think Cloud would stay young XD that would be weird.. he would look like Tifa...
  5. paochan

    Le Coco Shop

    aww, if you need rest i understand. i was hoping that you could make a signature for meh D: i would like to have this picture made as a signature with some warm colours, like red/orange/yellow. then again, if you aren't going to make this, i...
  6. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    yeah ^-^ hmmm, i really wanna talk about CloTi proofs. i have so many, but i'm not in the mood to write all that stuff down. XD *copying some proofs from the Ultimania* anyone? lol it would be awesome to make a website with all CloTi proofs in it. :D but i'm like a braindead cow when it comes...
  7. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    Fusionist, i think i'll agree with you.. i want to see more of their romantic relationship. but i still want them to have a baby! XD but yeah, i don't think that would ever happen.. -.-' sooo what do you think will happen in the end of ACC? Tifa will jump into the water with Cloud and the kids...
  8. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    well i believe there will be CloTi scenes, since i saw those pictures of Marlene and Cloud, Tifa and Cloud and yeah.. X3 and then Cloud says in the ACC trailer, something about Marlene, Denzel and Tifa. so i think SE is really turning to the CloTi side >: D hm?
  9. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club oh.. my.. GOD!! DX new pics from ACC! Cloud and Marlene on the fenrir and much more pics of them 0.0 AWWWW! can't.. breathe.. *goes fangirl*
  10. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    why not some CloTi babies? atleast one.. that would be wonderful. lol if someone was hitting on Tifa i think Cloud would punch the guy in da face! XD i've been thinking of something.. in Case of Tifa, she's asking Cloud when he's asleep if he loves her. i mean, is she sneaking into his bedroom...
  11. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    uhh.. the wolf is a sign of Cloud's guilt. :s
  12. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    BLARGH. stupid quote! >.< "My big CloTi wish is to see how Cloud gave Tifa the ring. I'm positive it means something a little more special than the rings he gave Denzel and Barret/Marlene(?). I want answers." -ariesmoon
  13. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    My big CloTi wish is to see how Cloud gave Tifa the ring. I'm positive it means something a little more special than the rings he gave Denzel and Barret/Marlene(?). I want answers. i don't think Marlene have some wolf thingy? o.0 isn't she wearing Aerith's ribbon instead? aaaanyway~ yeah, SE...
  14. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    yeah, i think it's pretty obivous that Cloud and Tifa belong to eachother. :3 but some people don't get their facts straight, they are NOT married or engaged. because the wolf is a symbol of Cloud's angst..? Barret have the ring too, and Cloud has a BIG wolf on his shoulder XD and Denzel wears...
  15. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    "What do you make of Tifa's line"Words aren't the only thing that tells people what you think" and then the embarassment the next morning?" hm, you have a point there ariesmoon XD atleast i thought they got very close to eachother when Cloud got back to the "normal Cloud". really, you notice...
  16. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    errrh, i don't think they ever had sex. if they had, then Cid and Barret would be BIG PERVS. XD but i still find it cute that Tifa rests her head on Cloud's shoulder :3 i mean, if they were just "friends" i don't think they would sleep in a position like that 0.0 Cloud could have slept on the...
  17. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    not to change subject right away.. but what do you think being a CloTi fan and a Aerith lover like me? i've been called "fake CloTi" and stuff because Aerith is my favorite character. of course i love Tifa too, lol i love everything about her. she's carrying, a kick-ass fighter, beautiful...
  18. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    yeah.. but i think it is in "The Maiden Who Travels The Planet" novell. there Aerith leads Tifa into Cloud's heart/mind. buuuut Aerith is a Cetra, she has the ability. it dosen't have to mean that she is the only woman who can get that close to Cloud's mind. o.0 that would be kind of wrong if...
  19. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    slum dunk!! i remember that lol XD there are alot of hints in the game.. but i have never understood this when Cloud says: "Aerith, it is too dangerous for you!" then she says: "Ohhh, so it is okay for Tifa to get hurt then?" and Cloud's like: "No.. I don't want her to get hurt either." i don't...
  20. paochan

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    yeah, that's sooo cute! :3