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  1. Cay

    Final Fantasy XIII English Theme Song - Leona Lewis "My Hands"

    It's funny how people seem to know the whole story of the game and thus judge the theme song as non-fitting. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to offend anyone. What I mean is judging without knowing better is futile. :) My sister listens a lot Leona but I don't know her songs. I'm curious...
  2. Cay

    Final Fantasy XIII's Hope Estheim Gets His Own Summon

    Hope is the young boy with grey hair. Anyways, I don't know anything about Alexander but I hope he'll be a nice Eidolon. Only Vanille's summon has not been revealed. I'm looking forward to it. I wonder who's Eidolons Siren and Ifrit will be.
  3. Cay

    Square release English dub of TGS FFXIII trailer!!

    I fell in love with Serah even more. Finally I was able to _watch_ the trailer, not just read the subtitles and maybe glance what was happening. Now I can just watch and listen. Voice acting was good, especially Serah's. She didn't sound so youg anymore.
  4. Cay

    [TGS'09] Final Fantasy XIII Trailer Revealed!

    I found translated version of this new trailer: Makes more sense than without subtitles. Now I like the game even more. ^^ And Serah is so sweet!
  5. Cay

    Hopefully it will be good.

    Sorry about double posting but I found a new trailer: What can I say? Beautiful. Breathtaking. Sad and happy at the same time.
  6. Cay

    I've played the Demo (no spoilers)

    Final Fantasy found some new walkthrough videos of FFXIII from Tokyo Game Show. Here they are: Developer Walkthrough Pt.1 Developer Walkthrough Pt.2 Developer Walkthrough Pt.3 Snow Demo Gameplay Looks cool!
  7. Cay

    Stunning, truly stunning

    I think Versus comes out later since there haven't been any news about the game. And of course, XIII is the main game so it's just logical that it comes out first. :)
  8. Cay

    [V5] What are you currently listening to?

    Nightwish - Escapist Love the lyrics. Every time I listen to this song I imagine myself to a far away place where only happiness exists. Official instrumental version is also lovely.
  9. Cay

    How did you like the ending of FFXII?

    If I said the ending was bad I would be a big liar. I loved the whole game, the story, the characters, the world... The ending just put final touches to the diamond (or how is it said?). Anyways, the ending was both sad and happy and it left the story open and I love to use my imagination so the...
  10. Cay

    Storyline of XII

    Well, I don't think that the storyline was totally crap. I didn't get it either when I played the game through for the first time but second time was little better and third time even more. I still don't understand it completely because English is not my mother tongue and there are a lot of...
  11. Cay

    Stunning, truly stunning

    I have watched the trailers only few times and they don't tell much about the game but there's something mystical that makes me to want to keep it my hands. To play it (but not to sleep keeping it under my pillow ;D). Noctis looks a lot like Cloud from VII and that might be one reason why I like...
  12. Cay

    Hopefully it will be good.

    I have faith in Square Enix. Previous Final Fantasies that I have played have been really good in my opinion (except X-2 but it wasn't full crap either) so there's no reason to be worried. Trailers and demos never tell much about games. First time you play a game through you might feel a bit...
  13. Cay

    Better late than never

    Thank you! =) I also added some new information since the text was quite short...
  14. Cay

    Better late than never

    Hi there! It's been a while since I joined the forum but hopefully it's still ok to introduce myself. =) I'm Cay from Finland and I'm 19 years old. I've been a FF fan about two years. The first game I played was FFXII and I still think it's the best FF. The next one was FFX and it's ok too but...