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  1. Wolvatron

    Future Theories

    the future concerns me. technology advances exponentially, yet it seems our common knowledge decreases exponentially. our dependency on technology is our weakness. when there's a power outage, what happens? most transactions can't take place because either the customer only carries a...
  2. Wolvatron

    Are you ok?

    sounds like one of those depressing poems read in a coffee shop.
  3. Wolvatron

    Help What was your most hated area?

    the great crystal. no map + incredibly hard enemies = not a good time.
  4. Wolvatron

    Where are you?

    yeah. it was just released recently in the UK. all those peeps are just now experiencing the awesomeness. :)
  5. Wolvatron

    New Battle System and Gambits

    indeed. the battle system and the gambits are excellant. i loved it all. ;)
  6. Wolvatron

    About the Story

    and that post should end the thread. hehe. Lisa's right. maybe people who say there is little/no character interaction are looking for a different type of interaction. there's tons of interactions with the characters and to me most of them seemed so alive. they talked like intelligent people...
  7. Wolvatron

    I'm super stoked

    meh, i've never cared too much for type o negative. that's just me though.
  8. Wolvatron

    FFXII Characters

    that is true, but he makes it a little more clear later on why he sticks around.
  9. Wolvatron

    New FFXII Toys

    haven't seen 'em! do you know what judge it was?
  10. Wolvatron

    FFXII Characters

    why do you say that vaan was supposed to be perfect? and how was his character flawed? granted, i didn't really care to much for him, but he had his reasons to stick around.
  11. Wolvatron

    FFXII Characters

    exactly. this FF is more real than the others. to me, the characters felt more alive than ever before.
  12. Wolvatron

    Final Fantasy in decline?

    HAHAHA!! i lol'd.
  13. Wolvatron

    Final Fantasy in decline?

    maybe because... the plot isn't bad? :P
  14. Wolvatron

    Who Was the coolest judge?

    no flaming was intended. if it came across as so, then my apologies to The Best. :cool:
  15. Wolvatron

    Ever had a ghostly experience?

    k. you and i have a similar belief then.
  16. Wolvatron


    i don't necessarilly have a problem with gay people, however i don't think that gay people should be married. but allow me to clarify: could they be joined by the state and reap the same benefits as a husband and a wife? yeah. but do i think they should be married in a church with God's...
  17. Wolvatron

    The Drunk Thead

    ah, if only i saw this thread last night. i would've joined right in the drunken/posting fest! but i'm sober now. ;)
  18. Wolvatron

    Who else?

    same for us. it's a fair. and no, i don't wait for it. i never go to them. around here they're uber lame.
  19. Wolvatron

    Ever had a ghostly experience?

    and you can't seriously NOT believe in ghosts? don't bash someone else's beliefs. ;) do i believe in ghosts? ah... not in the stereotypical sense. i don't believe that my great-grandfather will try to reach me to tell me something, or something like that. however, i DO believe in a spiritual...
  20. Wolvatron

    Who Was the coolest judge?

    i think you make the least amount of sense on this whole forum. the poll was asking who you thought was the coolest judge. you voted for gabranth, then stated he wasn't cool. :dry: