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  1. Lalaith

    Hair color?

    I have brown hair.
  2. Lalaith

    Poetry My Friend Lalaith

    Awww, my second poem!!!!!! That's so cute! Thank you so much, Kyo. I told you, you are one of my best friends ever, don't you ever, ever doubt that. *Hugs* It's a wonderful poem as all you write. You're great!!!:hug:
  3. Lalaith

    Random Facts About Yourself

    More things about me ^^ 11. I hate all kinds of medicine 12. I don't mind injections though 13. I've been writting novels since I was like 7 or 8 14. I am a compulsive AMV maker. 15. I love learning new languages
  4. Lalaith

    Advent Children Favorite Vilain

    I like Sephiroth, he is just so evily cool. :P
  5. Lalaith

    Who is your favourite main charcter from ff10

    Tidus is my fav. I just love his background story. And he's one of my fav characters from the whole FF series. ^_^
  6. Lalaith

    Things to do during FFX cutscenes

    48. Make 5 AMV's 49. Write a Book 50. Go from Europe to America and return.
  7. Lalaith

    Life Ambitions

    Oh, there are so many things I'd love to do... But mainly I want to travel around the world. I'd especially love to go to Greece, Scottland, US, Canada, Australia and Japan. I'd also like to see my writting work recognized ^^. That would be great.
  8. Lalaith

    Who Likes Poems?

    Aww, I love your poems Lord_Thorn. They are amazing. I hope you can publish your book of poems, that would be fantastic ^^. I love poetry but I can't write it, I've only written one poem in my life, lol.
  9. Lalaith

    Random Facts About Yourself

    This should be fun. lol Hmm, let's see. Not much to say about myself except that: 1. I'm Hyper to the point of illness :P 2. I rarelly get bored 3. When, by any case, I get bored it only lasts for a really short while but it kills me. 4. I laugh all the time 5. It's pretty difficult to get...
  10. Lalaith

    Who Likes Poems?

    I'm really sorry Meik, somehow I couldn't comment teh other day. But I promissed I'd leave a comment and I always keep my promisses... when I make them, lol. Anyways, once again I can't describe in words how wonderful your poems are. Because when I look at them I know I'm not reading words...
  11. Lalaith

    Where are you going when you die?

    Well, i'd like to live forever but... since I can't... I'll certainly go to heaven.. I'm an Angel, ask my friends. :P On second thought... don't ask them, lol
  12. Lalaith

    Prefered Eye Color

    I like blue eyes... but mine are brown.
  13. Lalaith

    Favorite Holiday?

    Christmas, always Christmas. It's the best time of the year. It's only a pitty that it's so cold and I don't have snow.
  14. Lalaith

    What Continent are you on?

    I live in Europe!!!
  15. Lalaith

    What are you currently doing?

    I'm on msn and aim chatting away... and by the way, I need music, lol
  16. Lalaith

    Who Likes Poems?

    *stares for a long moment in absolute silence* WOW, OMG.... I'm wordless. Those poems are amongst the best I have ever read, and I've read a lot. I don't know what to say really because no word will make justice to the beauty of your poems. I love poetry but I usually like to read darker...
  17. Lalaith

    Who do you currently want to set fire to?

    lol I want to set some of my neighbours on fire... or maybe all of them, that would be good to. Anyone wants to help? lol
  18. Lalaith

    What are you currently doing?

    I'm on msn, FFF, Youtube and planning to go out in a while ^^. Too hyper to stay put.
  19. Lalaith

    Where did you get your username from?

    Lalaith is a character from The Silmarillion (previous book to The Lord of the Rings Trilogy). She died in her early childwood though, so sad. Lalaith means laughter so it suits me well ^^.
  20. Lalaith


    FRIENDS!! *hugs Neo and GM* I'm glad to be here. Neo have told me about it for ages but I was so busy... I'm happy I finnally joined. ^^ Thank you all, I'll be sure to ask for help if I need (which I'm sure I wil, lol) Fun, fun!! *Hugs all* :P