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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Go mog. Dances pwn samurais.
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    Toy soldiers

    In my whole time of being a die hard FF7 fan I've NEVER heard of getting a robot for my new character.
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Cid highwind wins it!!
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    It has to be Zell. Selphie is annoying immature girl.
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Are you kidding me? Yuffie all the way. Giant Shuriken FTW.
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Squall is pretty emo but he still beats Reno.
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    Someone Call The Fashion Police!

    Worst Dressed Male - Vaan Worst Dressed Female - Selphie (no creativity on her whatsoever) Worst Dressed NPC - Seymour Guado Worst Dressed Game overall - Final Fantasy 12 Basch gets honorable mention for worst dressed male. He's a warrior and he's wearing board shorts? Nice try.. I'm...
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    dreams involving final fantasy

    I had a dream where I was in Midgar and I was living in the 7th heaven. Only person i saw was Yuffie who for some reason always ran away from me.
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    The Most Powerful Force in The FFVII Universe

    If you pay close enough attention to all the details of Sephiroth and Jenova you can clearly see that it is Jenova controlling Sephiroth.
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    Best spot/way to level up?

    I've always found Sephiroth's cave to be the best. Magic pots made leveling up my materia a breeze especially with the Apocalypse equipped. Also the baddies in there gave insane amounts of XP.
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    The Most Powerful Force in The FFVII Universe

    Naming that aspect doesn't make her solely better than everyone else. Sephiroth is the only person in the world that can wield the Masamune (or murasame i always get the 2 mixed up). That doesn't mean he's better than everyone else. Also it wasn't her SOLELY who used the lifestream to save the...
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    anybody know a place to buy a legit copy of this game? website? anything? has them but the people selling them are really demanding. If you want a brand new one they cost between like 70 all the way up to 125 dollars. I need to buy another copy as well seeing as how my brother lost the CD case of all my PS1 games.
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    ruby and emerald weapons

    I didn't have a problem with Emerald it was Ruby I had a problem with. *On a side note: Why does everyone say the dark aeons were hard? I've beaten X 3 times through now and I swear not once have I ever had a hard time against them.
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Quina would eat red mage. Quina for my vote.
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Tifa please. Beatrix has nothing on Final Heaven.
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Aeris i suppose. Great Gospel.