Search results

  1. Ryuichi

    Type with your eyes closed

    O thojk thst O sk kivvle st tkis Oh man... XP In case you are wondering that was supposed to be: "I think that I am horrible at this". O.o As far as typing, I'm a hunt and peck typer. I'm faster than my mom, but my bro and my dad are touch typists, so obviously faster. XP
  2. Ryuichi

    Favorite Anime

    First off, I must say that never watch dubbed anime. I think dubs are an insult to the genre. So, all the ones I list are based on the Japanese version. o.o Gundam Wing Gravitation Gakuen Heaven Cardcaptor Sakura Sailor Moon Digimon Cowboy Bebop Hayao Miyazaki's Films Samurai Champloo (I have...
  3. Ryuichi

    Which do you prefer?

    I like having an ending. I stopped watching InuYasha after I found out it was still going on Japan. O.o I love Miroku, but not that much. Sorry, Miroku-sama. <.<
  4. Ryuichi

    Claim an anime character

    I would like Ryuichi Sakuma from Gravitation, Keita, Kazuki and Shunsuke from Gakuen Heaven, Jim Hawking from Outlaw Star, and, since Duo Maxwell was taken, Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura. :3
  5. Ryuichi

    House M.D.

    House is one of the best shows on TV. I just recently got into House after I bought the first season on DVD. Hugh Laurie is an amazing actor. I loved him in Blackadder, but I love him more as House. Plus, the chemistry between House and Wilson is hysterical! XD
  6. Ryuichi

    Does anyone Cosplay?

    I love cosplaying, but I'm just a beginner. Right now, I don't have the money to make costumes or go to cons. D: Really want to do Cloud, Roxas, Demyx, Phoenix Wright, and redo my Duo Maxwell and Link costumes. Though for Link, it is hard to compete with PikminLink. She is amazing! :D
  7. Ryuichi

    PC Best free MMORPG?

    I am also having a problem finding a free RPG. I don't think there are very many free RPGs that are good. lol They is a reason why they're free. XD
  8. Ryuichi

    Your outlook on life

    I chose pessimistic because that is what I am most of the time. I'm trying very hard to reverse it, but I find it difficult. I'm in a real rut right now, so I'm more pessimistic than usual. Don't get me wrong, I am fine with my life. But, I could do so much more and I don't know how to do it...
  9. Ryuichi

    Which natural disastor would you rather be in?

    lol XD That would be awesome! Seriously though, all natural disasters scare me. o.o I wouldn't want to be in any of them. If I had to choose one, it would be a flood because I live on a hill. All the water would flow into the street. XP Then we'd have to save our neighbors. o.o
  10. Ryuichi

    Fries Galore!

    There is a hot dog place near me called Scooby's. They have really good fries and lemonade. XD
  11. Ryuichi

    Ketchup, anyone?

    Usually, I eat my fries plain. However, I think garlic aioli is very tasty with fries. Tastes good with chips, as well. :D
  12. Ryuichi

    Hair color?

    My natural color is brown, but right now my hair is blonde with brown streaks. :3 I voted brown though, since it is my natural color.
  13. Ryuichi

    A for Accents...

    I love Scottish accents! *-* They're so cute. :3 I also like the accent from Manchester, England, very sexy. New Zealand accents are nice, too. o.o Irish accents are also nice. XD
  14. Ryuichi

    Who's more Femine?

    lol Totally. XD Vann is very feminine. O.o You have a point, thar. X3 lmao Squall seriously did, huh? XD
  15. Ryuichi

    What are you allergic to?

    Dust, latex, pepper trees, certain flowers, and possibly green peppers. o.o Oh, and those disinfectant wipes they give you at the grocery store to wipe down your carts. XP I can't even touch the carts without my hands burning up. o.o
  16. Ryuichi

    Who's more Femine?

    I think Sora is more feminine. <.< Some of his body language and the things he says make him that way. Also, he has the cutest face. XD Cloud is next on my list, he... well I don't know he strikes me as feminine. O.o I haven't played FF8, so I don't know about Squall. XP Zidane, I think his hair...
  17. Ryuichi

    Most annoying celebrity

    Well, it is hard to choose between Hilary Duff and Paris Hilton. Duff's music is awful and she is so annoying.... Wait.... Paris is the same... Except, Paris makes sex tapes and claims that police officers pull her over to hit on her. Okay, Paris is worse. <.<
  18. Ryuichi

    FFF's Official Gender Poll

    Female, last time I looked. A lot of people think I'm male, though. <.< I think the way I word things might make me seem masculine. o-O
  19. Ryuichi

    Your first FFVII?

    The first time I played FFVII, I didn't know anything about it, except that it was popular. <.< My bro and I bought the PC version, and I fell in love with the game. I started with Cloud, Tifa, and Barret, but then after Aerith died I regretted not using her and Tifa was out. XP My new team...
  20. Ryuichi

    Hallo. :3

    Yah, as you can tell, I'm new here. :3 I just happened to stumble upon this site, and the forums looked cool, so here I am. XD Anyways, say 'Hi' if you want to. o.o