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  1. rikku.thief

    Music Parodies

    Alanis Morisette's parody of "My Humps"
  2. rikku.thief

    Saw Movies

    I haven't seen any of the Saw movies, but one day, I'm planning to just invite a few friends over and have a Saw marathon all night.
  3. rikku.thief

    Do you want FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive?

    I personally would not like Final Fantasy XIII to be ps3 exclusive. Because I don't want to spend $400 dollars for a console only to play Final Fantasy XIII. I realize there are also a few other great games for the PS3, but that would also imply I spend at least another hundred dollars to buy...
  4. rikku.thief

    Avril Lavigne

    Avril Lavigne is not the only person who uses herself as an idol for others. There are several celebrities who use themselves as an image or precedent for others to base their own personalities on. I honestly like Avril Lavigne. Though, I do hate that song, "Girlfriend." I will agree with...
  5. rikku.thief

    Rather pointless?

    Yeah, remembering the actual material would be a tricky part. But the fact that you have learned them before, means you can still be able to pick it up and apply it to whatever deems it necessary in the actual applications. And I agree with Addleboy. It is definitely beneficial to know a...
  6. rikku.thief


    I have broken the law, but I'd rather not confess it. I had expected to be severely punished, but I was actually let off with only just a warning. Not that I'm complaining. It was just unexpected.
  7. rikku.thief

    Rather pointless?

    It seems pointless at the time we learn them, but for the career outlook that's happening at present day, we might need them. Therefore, the school curriculum prepares us for it. Circle theorems? I'm honestly guessing, but maybe an astronomer might need to learn those, and quite intensively...
  8. rikku.thief

    What's your mood?

    Truly, I immediately detested that message when I first joined. Continues to get on my nerves, but I let it go. There's not much else to do about it. Though, my current mood... content. I'm procrastinating from studying for an exam, but I'm okay with that. I probably shouldn't be, but I am. ^^
  9. rikku.thief

    Do you watch the news?

    I get my main source of the news from online rather than the TV. I tend not to use my TV for much other than playing video games.
  10. rikku.thief

    Your Halloween 2007 Experience!

    I visited my family for the night, though my brother worked and my mother decided to celebrate with another family instead. So I was reduced to giving out the candy. However, it was quite warming to see young kids all dressed up. Many of them were just so cute! My dog barked at every guest...
  11. rikku.thief

    So how was your day today?

    Today was quite stable. I managed to change my major from Computer Science to International Studies with much ease. Unfortunately, I've yet to tell my father who I expect will lecture me.
  12. rikku.thief

    Biggest Annoyance?

    All right. Thank you for the tip, though. I'll do my best!
  13. rikku.thief

    Biggest Annoyance?

    Aw... I haven't finished the game yet. I'm not looking forward to such a long fight with Yiazmat...10 hours... sounds so tiring.
  14. rikku.thief

    Avenged Sevenfold

    Avenged Sevenfold will actually be in my city this month. And I was absolutely going to see them, but after checking, I'm reconsidering. As much as I'd die to go see them play AMAZING guitar solos, the ticket prices are insane. And since Avenged Sevenfold is so popular, I doubt I could get a...
  15. rikku.thief

    How did you feel about Lulu?

    no offense, but i don't like these back and forths. it's like we're trying to prove or disprove other's peoples opinions about Lulu. Well, it's an opinionated thread, so there shouldn't have to be a right/wrong debate. but, all right, fine, so both lulu and rikku show some skin. and i...
  16. rikku.thief

    How did you feel about Lulu?

    oh, i didn't mean specifically in advertising posters and magazines, etc. I just meant in general when playing the game.
  17. rikku.thief

    How did you feel about Lulu?

    We weren't "decrying Square to the lowest denominator," as you put it. We're just saying that Square didn't really have a need to use sex appeal to bring interest to the game. Lulu would have as great a character as if she hadn't shown that much cleavage. And yeah, male characters in a game...
  18. rikku.thief

    where do you live?

    I live in the Queen City of North Carolina of USA. (Charlotte)
  19. rikku.thief

    have you ever...

    I sometimes say "wtf?"
  20. rikku.thief

    Do You Like School?

    I think many of us, including me, take school far too much for granted. It should really be a priviledge that we can have this education, when there are students who can't have one because they're too poor for it, or because they've done some bad things that restrict them from having said...