Any plans for tonight?

Ah yes tonight I will go out to dinner with my girlfriend and I think we will go to a pool house to shoot some balls. I have been teaching her this game over the last year or two and she is almost at the point where she is a challenging opponent every time.
getting so wasted and making out with all the girls


more like just finished playing XII Ixtab hunt and watching SNL.
Probably play .hack//Outbreak until like 5 in the morning while downloading some movies and TV shows. A typical Sunday night for me.
Going to sort out what credit company we want to go with to consolidate all of our loans with.

So sick of paying a million different people every month.

One bill every month would be fricken' awesome! Hopefully we can find one we like tonight and I can sort out setting up an account tomorrow.

I looked at the times for my local movie theater and noticed that I can watch Thor, X-Men: First Class and Hangover II back to back. So I may go do that.
Just got the Repair man coming out to have a look at my car tonight.

So anxious. I really wish he came out sometime today so I wouldn't have to think about it all day.

Then when Steve gets home we're setting up a joint account. I was going to do it today but then I saw something bad on the account we were going to apply for and I don't want it now. So I have to talk to him about setting up another account.
Tonight? It's almost over. After this movie I'm sleeping. But tomorrow... grinding heroics in WoW. Got to get that shit done soon cause I'll be working this weekend preparing for my aunt from Sweden. And of course that's gonna be fun.
Watching How Clean is your House.

It's amazing the shitholes some people live in. Seriously, how hard is it to wash your dishes and clean up the cat poo?

Why leave it all over the floor so that it gets so bad that your whole house should be demolished?
Going to be finally home, that's what. Besides that, I'm going to be catching up with the family, watching some TV and maybe some gaming. I shall be getting an early night since it's work in the morning!
My boyfriend is coming over later today when he's finished at work. We're going to cook some chicken curry and watch movies and then sleep.
I'm heading into a pub in the city with a lot of friends for a birthday celebration, they all live a town a few miles from mine so I will get pre-drinks done on the bus. Then I'll spend my night being shot down by attractive girls till I eventually score a meh one
Nothing much. Gonna go for a jog with family and then come back here or get some movies to watch or read up on my upcoming interview.
Tonight I'm going to film a short using my new camera. I can't wait. I have it all planned right now, just have to get out of fucking work.
I'm just heading off to bed now.

Going to start reading a book my friend gave me for my birthday. It looks like an awesome book, but I think I'm going to give myself a headache due to still not having my glasses!

They have only just been sent in the mail today from the UK but I want them now. =(