Best Final Fantasy Game?

Best Final Fantasy Game

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I went for FFVII and FFX

I mean, Final Fantasy VII was the first one I played and it dragged me into the series so I HAVE to say it's my favorite and tbh it had a great story and music, the gameplay was awesome and I loved the mini-games.

FFX also had the story, the sphere grid system was interesting tbqh, the characters were rather a really good ones and the summonings were actually better this time, so it's also my favorite.
I voted for is the best in my eyes, and then ten, 9 and 7.

The reason I love 8 is because the plotline is deep..a lot deeper then people give it credit for. It is a story that you have to go around and figure out and not have it all spoon fed to you. The characters change and grow..and i like how you can see what is going on in Squall's helps you get to know him. The video and music to this game is wonderful.

The junctioning system is unique..I enjoy it because you have to actually think about your GF's and the skills they bring the character.

The only thing I didn't care for much was the chocobo's..all of the other side quests were good..and I love the card game!
FFX and the spinoff FF X-2 will be my choice because of its story that touches my heart and soul. Ending was sad, and I love the story, how they met, how they know each other and how they say goodbye. I almost cry that time, when I finish the game. What this game even more best is the spinoff that give details of the story.

But I admit in myself that I like the story of FFVII, that it has additional or other compilation of the game, from AC, BC, CC and DoC/DC.
Final Fantasy VII simply because it had characters I loved and a very moving storyline.

I can't really remember, but I think it was also the first FF game I played...
I went for FFVIII and X.

FFVIII--> The 1st FF game I played and it was awesome. The junction system really sucked at first, but when u get used to it you'll love it ;) . The story was waesome and the characters were great. I hated they couldn't speak in the short movies and there was no subtitle to understand the shit they are talkin about.

FFX--> I loved the story and the chatacters. it have a uniqe way for lvling up*Sphere grid* and I really thought it was the perfect FF game till they made FFX-2 :gasp2:
Final Fantasy XII all the way :D

Amazing characters, stunning world, brilliant story.. oh the crazy baddie! Everything a game should be.
Final Fantasy XII all the way :D

Amazing characters, stunning world, brilliant story.. oh the crazy baddie! Everything a game should be.

I have heard many things about FF12 but those things are new. The things you say just arn't true. The characters are realy bad. The only ones i care for are Basch, Balthier and Ashe. the other 3 are totaly flat.
You are right with world and story in my opinion but Vayne is anything but crazy. Not even Venat, if you want to put it as the baddie. They arn't even evil at all. They more or less only defend themselfes against the assault of the characters.

However, FFX is the best FF...
IX is my favorite so far. The music was amazing (favorite song your not alone:)), the characters were great and all had cool different personalities and pretty much everything else was awesome.
Final Fantasy IX. It has one of the best stories of any Final Fantasy and the graphics were amazing for its time. It is and will always be one of my favorite games.
For me FF12 is the best and the fact that the Gameplay is so different then other FF's makes it good for me,also the darker story line and characthers & graphics. there is alot to do in this game so many good places to explore. the game is alot of fun, can't wait for FF Versus 13 too.

I cant believe this isn't an option! It has the best story out of all of the games , it has the greatest side/mini quests and You can create an entire team just how you want them!

It's hands down the single greatest FF ever and the second best RPG of all time!

Whoever didn't put it on the poll I want to do this to >> :eek:uttahere:
I know FF7 is very overrated but it wont reach to its current position if it isn't really good. It needs to prove something to gain something eh?

so, yeah, Final Fantasy 7 is a masterpiece. The bgm specially the one for Aerith/Aeris and Sephiroth's. The absolute character for the each of them specially Cloud and Cid. And the fanservice of Tifa:P. The graphic is good if you look at the time it was released. Battle system is rather what you expect on FF series but if you put those battle system and graphics aside, you will find FF7 to be a state of the art novel (which is highly popular).

And I love the fact they did many movies of it. The Last Order and the Advent. Before Crisis (story of Zack) is really awesome to the fact of "that is what you really gonna expect on FF7 related stuff :D".

that's for my best one. :)

Next would be FF6. Graphics is....nvm. bgm is 8/10, not to mention it has the best bgm for chocobo ;p. Again, story. A story to the point of making me think for a second that Celes is the main character due to her love stuffs.

FF9, rather because I haven't finish playing it. 2nd disc as far as I remember.

Im looking forward to X, it just that I dont have any PS2 rather a ps 3 and looking for some add-ons to play ps2 games on it. FF13 too, but for the story, seems like not to the point of 7,6 or 9...versus is what im truly waiting for :D
I must go for Final Fantasy VII.
(1. The storyline is beyond amazing, it includes love, inside glimpse of a terror group, a demolishing world and a team of heroes trying to save it. Its the perfect fantasy/adventure.
(2. I love maps and the bosses, also, Sephiroth is my all time favorite video game villain, which he is to many people.
(3. A lot of the video clips and songs are incredible, the graphics are amazing, at least for a video game that they began making in 1994.
(4. Since the game is so huge, and divided over three discs, you have more than enough to work on.

It is by far, the most played and time consumed game I've got.
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For me it was Final fantasy X i loved the storyline, characters (and one of the best love stories in the final fantasy series) and gameplay. It set the bar for rest games on the ps2 graphics wise.
ff9 hands down (beats ff7 any day you fanboys!:holyshit:) how about some character development? haven't seen that since ff6. you get a story and know WHY people are fighting and to what cause. you learn who the characters are, what their past is and why they join the party.
you see the bad guy and try and figure him out and see what he has to gain, then he reveals the next layer to his true motives. the classes are back and I am very happy to see it because it adds a level of uniqueness. the battle system is done well, it has plenty of sidequests and fun minigames, plenty of treasure hunting, secret areas, funny moments, sad moments, serious moments etc.
IX, easily. All the best of the old mixed will all the best of the new. And Vivi is possibly my favorite character in any RPG ever.
It's hard to say which FF is the best mainly because most of them had their strong points and weak points like any game.

Though personally I really enjoyed FF-8 and X the most.

FF-8 had a wonderful system; building up your GFs and gaining special abilities through them, drawing magic from your enemies and also the junction system. They were a few things that I came to love about this game as well as Triple Triad. However, it was a bit on the easy side thanks to the easy leveling up side of it and if you junctioned your characters right you were near unstoppable. The game does have a few challenges ranging from obtaining Eden to killing Omega (or Ultima, too many to remember) weapon. Though, like I stated before, the game was too easy for my liking.

X on the other hand was wonderful. I loved the idea of the Sphere Grid and the fact that you could summon and actually control them. Though one thing I didn't like was how short it was. It still worked well but I would've loved it to be a little bit longer. I really enjoyed the battle system though seeing as different attacks affected when you could attack next and such. It would've also been wonderful if the summon list was expanded..

All in all, I like most FF's I've played up to X so they're all great, just in their own ways. ^_^
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