Favorite FF couple

Whose the 'Cutest'pairing in this poll?

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I voted for Yuna and Tidus. Love that couple. ^___^;; They're the best, IMO.

The even laughed like fucked up seagulls...nuff said. It's love. XD!
I voted for Zidane and Garnet. It was just funny how he would always flirt around with her. And that gay knight Steiner would always try and get them apart in the earlier stages, but then realizes that they like each other and that what hes doing is right and hes not harming her. I feel him changing Steiner and making him accept this was plausible in itself.
oh c'mon you gotta add more couples to that list!!!!!
Zack and Aerith

Very true...although I nearly didn't see the 'other' option :gasp:
I really enjoyed their relationship in Crisis Core, I mean they liked each other...they thought each other were funny, what else do they need? :)

I wish the TifaxCloud relationship was built on more in Advent Children, that could have seriously gone places but Cloud just wanted to everything on his own. Silly, silly man. :mad:
IMO...Vaan and Penolo?

Did anyone see it as much as i did? I just saw a bit of connection there. Because they've knew each other for awhile and i guess the whole adventujre brought them close together?

Havn't played XII in such a long time my memory is still a blur about the whole story line.
i think that my fav couple would have to be cloud and areith because they have a special conection throughout the game and i think that when he fights sepiroth when hes killed aries, cloud is fighting for lost love and passion relli because under the tough ex solider backgound hes relli a wuss who wants to settle down loke his mum suggested, but hes scarded because of sepiroth ending it all...
I voted other, just because I think Fran and Balthier are the best FF couple, the other couples in FF haven't really bothered me for some reason but this one does, maybe its because it isn't that obvious? I really can't say.
Sorry to say bout the entire Aerith/Cloud hook up, but alas it should be Zack/Aerith. He was there first. He was her first love. The thing that drew Aerith to Cloud in the first place was the fact that he was reminding her of Zack. They both came to her in the same way, ie falling through the roof of her church. Cloud had Zacks memories so thats what drew her to him and the way that he was acting. Zack was her first love. I just think those two go together better. Even though she never told Zack what she was I am sure that sooner or later he would of found out. She may of been unsure what to think about him being with soldier when she thinks soldier members are scary, so she made an exception for Zack since he is such a nice guy and all. Its too bad he was killed by the company that he worked for. All in all Hojo is more evil than Sephiroth ever could be because he is the one that started it all. If it wasnt for the scientists working for Shin Ra then none of it would of ever happened.
Me Answer :D

While i consider this to be a girly question >.>, ill answer anyway :D. I liked Garnet & Zidane the best, followed by Cloud & Tifa. Sorry Cloud but loving Aerith/Aeris would make you a necrophiliac :). :funnyface:
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I absolutly HATE the Aerith/Cloud paring.
It was Zack and Aerith all along. Yes, Zack died. BUT SO DID BLOODY AERITH!
don't get cocky with me now, i absolutly love Aerith but i still think she belongs to Zack.

Now that that's said

Tifa&Cloud! :D(guess you saw that one coming:gasp:)
Yuna&Tidus cause i found them both horribly annoying. Remeber the lauging scene? ugh. but they are cute together though.
Squall&Rinao. 'nuff said

oeh how about this one ----> Vincent&Lulu :gasp:
i know there from different worlds and crap but i think they look good together >.>
I absolutly HATE the Aerith/Cloud paring.
It was Zack and Aerith all along. Yes, Zack died. BUT SO DID BLOODY AERITH!
don't get cocky with me now, i absolutly love Aerith but i still think she belongs to Zack.

Now that that's said

Tifa&Cloud! :D(guess you saw that one coming:gasp:)
Yuna&Tidus cause i found them both horribly annoying. Remeber the lauging scene? ugh. but they are cute together though.
Squall&Rinao. 'nuff said

oeh how about this one ----> Vincent&Lulu :gasp:
i know there from different worlds and crap but i think they look good together >.>

I agree with you, Zack & Aeris, and Cloud & Tifa, it makes sense! =)

Vincent & Lulu? Naaaaaah....Wakka & Lulu are fine, Vincent knows if he even winks at Lulu he'll be getting balls in to the face.
well personally i like cloud and aerith then zack and aerith together o_O, idk why they just seem cute together, cloudXaerith
Tidus & Yuna. I love Yuna!!!

Mod Edit: Please add a bit more effort to your post. (Why do you prefer the Tidus/Yuna pairing, other than that you love Yuna.) Thanks. ;)
I had to say Tidus and Yuna too...because they are le BEST! I just think they're the sweetest fictional couple in the world ;____;
I'm glad to see they're joint first ^^
SquallxRinoa and TidusxYuna for me. :)
I haven't played Crises Core yet, but AerisxZack also sounds like one I'd add to the list if I had.
I liked ZidanexGarnet too but not as much as the others. I felt Squall and Rinoa learnt more from one another, as did Tidus and Yuna. Zidane and Garnet seemed MORE like close friends. :/

Edit: Since I can only pick one, I'll go for Yuna and Tidus. They WERE the sweetest. Rinoa and Squall were a good couple, but I just felt the relationship didn't develop as well. One minute Squall hates her, the next, he's carrying her miles! :P
δ Kuja Ω;376175 said:
Sorry Cloud but loving Aerith/Aeris would make you a necrophiliac :). :funnyface:

No it wouldn't :rolleyes: It's only necrophilia if he has sex with the dead person, and clearly, you can love someone who's dead without having sex with them.

I prefer the CloudxAerith pairing to ZackxAerith or CloudxTifa. Why? Pairing Zack and Aerith together after FFVII "just because they're both dead" is totally cliché, and I love the chemistry that Cloud and Aerith had going. CloudxTifa just does nothing for me. The being said, I do like ZackxAerith, it's totally cute, but I prefer CloudxAerith.
No it wouldn't :rolleyes: It's only necrophilia if he has sex with the dead person, and clearly, you can love someone who's dead without having sex with them.

I prefer the CloudxAerith pairing to ZackxAerith or CloudxTifa. Why? Pairing Zack and Aerith together after FFVII "just because they're both dead" is totally cliché, and I love the chemistry that Cloud and Aerith had going. CloudxTifa just does nothing for me. The being said, I do like ZackxAerith, it's totally cute, but I prefer CloudxAerith.

Hey Aerith!

Thanks again for putting my threads where they belong :D.

Now i know you can love a person when their dead, I was just alluding to the joke your parents tell you "when a boy and a girl love eachother...." XD

Oh yeah and If Cloud truly loves Aerith he should commit suicide so they can reunite, but hes alive which means he loves Tifa! =D

XD Im just Kidding

- Kuja

Mod Edit: Please add a bit more effort to your post. (Explain why you chose Zack/Aerith). Thank you. :)
IMO...Vaan and Penolo?

Did anyone see it as much as i did? I just saw a bit of connection there.

I didn't see much of a connection in XII, but in Revenant Wings the opening FMV definitely shows that there are some feelings, especially when Penelo fell into Vaan's lap. :wacky:

But my favorite FF couple is Lenne and Shuyin. It was evident they loved each other deeply, even til the very end...
Vaan Penelo

Mod Edit: Please add a bit more effort to your post. (Explain why you chose Vaan & Penelo). Thank you. =]
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