Favorite FF couple

Whose the 'Cutest'pairing in this poll?

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Tidus and Yuna. Their love was strong and death wasn't an exception ;) there has been no doubt like Cloud and Aerith (Tifa and Zack etc etc)
That couple really touched me.
I liked Squall and Rinoa coz of his seemingly lack of love. It was a really nice build up to when they are alone and they let their feeling out for each other ^_^
What?! Zack and Aerith are in the "others"?? It was so tragic and sad =( He never got her letters! *runs away crying*
Other, more specifically EdgexRydia. I don't want to hear any "they're not a couple" bullshit. It was obvious there was an attraction between them, and they would have made a cute couple.

If I had to choose another, I'd say KainxRosa. Bugger off Cecil, you pansy. Rosa needs a real man!

...I'm joking. XD Celes x Locke for the win! Mostly because it's one of the more memorable couples out of all of these. Tidus x Yuna, of course, loses out due to bad memories of that horrific laughing scene.
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Out of all of these I would have to say Rosa/Cecil.
Simply because it was clear from the very beginning that both of them would sacrifice anything to be with the other.

No teenage drama there.
YUFFENTINE FOR THE WORLD!!! Honestly, they would make such a cute couple! They sort of balance and compliment each other very well. Vincent could rein in Yuffie when she's on her sugar rush, and Yuffie could teach Vincent how to smile and laugh a bit more.

Vincent and Shelke is too wrong for me. No matter how you look at it, she has the body of a 9 year old. Too...urgh...

I also like Steiner X Beatrix. The clumsy Captain and the Graceful General!
Aerith & cloud. Yes, I know Aerith is dead but they WERE a good couple. Well I think they were anyways.
My favorite couple is Squall x Rinoa I can't help it ff8 was my first ff and I really liked how he couldn't stand her, and the second she's out and not following him around he was like "No, it's too quiet without you" lol so yeah Squall and Rinoa are number 1 for me.

But my favorites go

Squall X Rinoa
Tidus X Yuna (I also think Tidus and Rikku are cute though too)
Cloud X Aeris
Zidane x Garnet
Zack X Aeris
Terra X Locke
Locke X Celes
CloudxTifa(my username should be the primary indicative) I love this couple they are meant for each other, their story is so deep and the relationship is very multi-layered something uncommon in RPG.
I also like SquallxRinoa they are cute together and have some memorable scenes
CecilxRosa is one of my favorites too, they are truly in love and "Theme of Love" make you fall for their relationship.
ZackxAerith is growing on me, their interaction in Crisis Core is very sweet.
Zack & Cloud.
Im not a silly fangirl, They are just so cute together <3
I actually squee'd at the scene were Zack asks Cloud if he'd like to go to dinner
So cute ^_^
My second favourite would have to be...
Probably Zidane & Dagger
I mean come on, they're so adorable together :')
Squall & Rinoa were my favorite couple. They were complete opposites but somehow they made it work. Cecil & Rosa come in second for me because they were childhood friends that grew up together that were always there for each others. Cecil was Rosa's knight and shining armor.
I have two, since they tied. (Too bad I can't vote for two things, darn.)

CloudxTifa and CecilXRosa. The reasons I love these two pairings, is endless haha. I love how selfless Tifa and Rosa are, and how devoted they prove to be when their loved one is in potential danger (physically or emotionally). I like how both couples really understand one another, and show how strong their love is by over-coming hardships. (Especially the mental ones. xD)

I also adore ZackXAerith- tragic romances are so addicting. They make me cry, uwaah.

Fanon pairing fav= ZackxCloud. If canon ever gets fawked...

OH yeah, and LarsaxPenelo. I'm not sure why.... it's so attractive to me.
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I think Tidus + Yuna is the most romantic couple ever in the final fantasy universe:D.They were sweet and romantic to each other. especially the Scene with the both of them kissing in the water.
Cutest "couple?"

Okay, there's a lot of FF "love birds" if you will.
To make it short and simple
who was your favorite FF couple of all time? and why?
Cloud and Aerith
Squall and Riona
Zidane and Garnet
Vivi and Quina(haha when they got married)
Yuna and Tidus
Wakka and LuLu
Rikku and Gippal
I like mostly everyone couple. Well, they weren't really going out if you will but, we as the gamer can tell they like each other.
The vivi and Quina was sort of a joke :P.
I'd say Wakka and Lulu. In X it was clear they liked each other and in X-12 they got married and had wakka jr. (as i say) :D
they're just so happy together [: it makes me smile
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