FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

I'd say under-appreciated but a little over-saturated.
It is a great game and my personal favourite but it has so much merchandise, spin-offs, fan material that I think it grates on some people.
It can't be to everyone's tastes, it depends on the type of person you are. I find FPS and drving/racing games dull as dishwater to be honest but they form the bulk of contemporary games on platforms like the XBox-360.

I don't envy Square-Enix when they finally get around to remaking it. It is going to be very hard to live up to the massive expectations to improve, maintain and appeal.
FFVII is horribly overrated. I'm not saying it isn't a good game. I liked FFVII a lot, but it's just overrated.


Please put more effort into your post. Why do you feel that FF7 is overrated?
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I havent played it but it strikes me as a very mysterious and cool game. But no matter how great something is that doesnt protect it from being over-rated and I think this game unfortunatly did get overated. Still that doesnt make it any less great it just depletes the value a little bit.

Also there are some games that can be over-rated without being ruined but this isnt one of them because the graphics and production values are charming but in a tacky way that only fans can understand so when when people who arent fans look at this game after hearing all the hype about it they are un-impressed. Also its really dark and mysterious and alot of its charm comes from the modest production values so to be able to appreciate all that you need to believe that the game is really unpopulor.

Its like Buffy. Buffy is dark and mysterious and charming in a very cheap way but once people started over-hyping it becomes less attractive. I think the franchises are simlair in that way aswell. Buffy use to be cool but after it became populor the producers thought they could do whatever they wanted and started introducing villians such as nerds and cheerleaders who had the power to destroy the world and basicly threw all the mystique of the franchise out the window. And FF7 was dark and stylsish but by FFX devlopers introduced characters who could unleash special powers by singing pop songs.
I havent played it but it strikes me as a very mysterious and cool game. But no matter how great something is that doesnt protect it from being over-rated and I think this game unfortunatly did get overated. Still that doesnt make it any less great it just depletes the value a little bit.

Also there are some games that can be over-rated without being ruined but this isnt one of them because the graphics and production values are charming but in a tacky way that only fans can understand so when when people who arent fans look at this game after hearing all the hype about it they are un-impressed. Also its really dark and mysterious and alot of its charm comes from the modest production values so to be able to appreciate all that you need to believe that the game is really unpopulor.

Its like Buffy. Buffy is dark and mysterious and charming in a very cheap way but once people started over-hyping it becomes less attractive. I think the franchises are simlair in that way aswell. Buffy use to be cool but after it became populor the producers thought they could do whatever they wanted and started introducing villians such as nerds and cheerleaders who had the power to destroy the world and basicly threw all the mystique of the franchise out the window. And FF7 was dark and stylsish but by FFX devlopers introduced characters who could unleash special powers by singing pop songs.

I agree there is a hate of anything popular in alot of people... If something gets popular, and too cool, then some people feel the need to distance themselves from it as they feel the need to conform to the image they want of themselves as being different. Sometimes these people are just as irrational as the people who try to claim that the spin-offs of FF7 are better than the original game.

I wouldn't quite agree with FF7 being completely dark and mysterious though, that is the sequals, not the original game... FF7, when you play it, actually has lots of humour in it. I was laughing my head off through some of the statements in it, at some of the most random times. Dressing Cloud up as a woman, Don Corneo being a horny fool who provided light humour in both of his appearances in the game. There was humour in scenes with Yuffie, Barrett, Cait Sith, Cid, Red XIII, the Turks, Bugenhagen, the whole cast in fairness... And the best thing is that there are many more lines that I wil have missed, as it often depends on who is in your party as to who says what, and what is said.. For example having Tifa in my party on the railroad to Corel, and climbing the mountain to the giant eagle/chicken nest... With no warning, nothing but the chickens to spawn such a comment, Tifa blurts out "Cloud your hair looks like a chocobo!".

Some elements of FF7 are verging on slapstick, and is nothing like as serious as many people have started to believe... I think thats part of the problem though. Many fans of the spin-offs who haven't played the original could never adapt to play the original FF7, not just because of the lower quality (but perfectly suited for the purpose) graphics, but because the humour, colour and heart of the original doesn't match their emo-expectations for the game.. Hence they cry for a more updated, darker remake.. Which will upset fans like me (if any other fans like me exist out there!)

I call now for everyone (if you want to beat the crowd, be different) to pick up FF7, play it, enjoy it and campaign AGAINST a sequal, and refuse to accept the spin-offs as canonical... Bit extreme, but hey, it's better than completely disregarding FF7 JUST because of the hype around the film, anime, shooter and path-walker-slasher-prequal (Crisis Core...). Live a little, and remember that FF7 is still actually a good game.

In conclusion.. The FF7 universe as a whole is a LOT overused... But the game itself is not over-rated. I'd go as far as to say that the original game itself has become under-rated in quite alot of fans now, who just want to be different. When people scream for their love of FF7 it is more often than not that they are screaming with delight for the spin-offs... This realy gets me down at the moment because it pains me to see more fans of FF lose faith in this game.
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It was a complete gem for its time. It's a tad bit overrated, but it's still a fantastic game.


Please put more effort into your post. What do you feel makes it a gem for it's time? Why do you think it's a tad bit overrated?
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Ok... To avoid confusion which some people seem to have had with my last post (through bad reputation given to me) I will state that I was not trying to deny that the world of FF7 was doomed / depressing at times / gloomy / miserable, it was not just a huge laugh as I came across in my last post.. However I do want to empahsise that that gloom is not all there is to it, like most people seem to think...

Sure, a meteor was coming to destroy the planet, everyone was depressed about it, but the characters still added alot of humour into it.

Also, while I respect the right for people to lower reputation points for a bad post / bad user, I find it very rude to lower it just because you don't agree with my view/point! Quite a few people seem to do that, as my freind had told me he'd had his reputation lowered on here simply for stating his view.. If thats how it works on this forum, then sorry, and fair do's, but I've never been on a forum that excercises a regime as harsh as that!

But on this instance, since I forgot to mention that the game was in fact dark as well (like I have in other posts, hence couldn't be bothered to repeat it all again in the hurry I was in) I can forgive one for thinking I was forgetting all of the doom and gloom of the FF7 world... I was however stating that there was also a LOT of humour, and there was, no denying it.
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It is what it is. Everyone's got their own opinion of the game, and apparently there is a major number of people who really, really liked it. I am one of them, but that's just based on what I think. One person might see the game as mediocre and lacking in some areas, and an entirely different person may see the game as being the best in the history of video games. Either way, there's always going to be conflict from both sides under these kinds of circumstances.
I agree, Bun. IMO, I think that FF7 perhaps isn't over-rated, so much as it gets WAY too much attention. Certainly the fan base is huge, but because of its abundance of attention, I feel like it overshadows the greatness of the FF games before it, and I feel sometimes that the uber-fans of FF7 forget about those amazing earlier editions.
I agree, Bun. IMO, I think that FF7 perhaps isn't over-rated, so much as it gets WAY too much attention. Certainly the fan base is huge, but because of its abundance of attention, I feel like it overshadows the greatness of the FF games before it, and I feel sometimes that the uber-fans of FF7 forget about those amazing earlier editions.

Well, I always thought that the re-releases of 1,2,4,5 and 6 on the Playstation would change all of that. But sadly it appears that that is not the case... I seem to have been the only person I have met who has played those and enjoyed them. I think most people must have a lower tolerance for graphics than I have, which is a shame. I agree sadly a lot of people forget, or ignore, these earlier titles but that shouldn't make people hate Final Fantasy 7. Hell most new FF fans nowadays are fans of FFX, FFXII or Advent Children. But Final Fantasy 7; gameplay wise, story wise, character wise, music wise, IMO, that game delivered. Just like FF6 and the other FF's before it, and just like FF8-9 and to a lesser extent (due to inferior gameplay elements) 10 after it.

The reason this game has got so much hype is not helped by the sequals, prequals, movies and other spin-offs which annoy some fans. If SE decided to make a movie of FF6, and a sequal of FF6, milked it beyond repair, I'm sure quite a lot of people will get annoyed about that too, and sadly some people can't seperate the sequals from the original game, and that ruins their view of that game too... Then again, FF6 will be a harder game to muck up in a sequal, as the world as a whole was probably a bit more colourful, in comparison to the character Cloud which could be put under darkness in sequals. But still, people will eventually become fed up of the FF6 universe... This is all that has happened to the FF7 universe to be honest.

It's just a shame that some people can't seperate the sequals from the original (like I have, to save my original view of the game).
I understand that if some people genuinely hate the game, that is their personal preference.. But it angers me when people hate the game purely to be seen as different, or because they are fed up of the hype or sequals... If you don't like the sequals, don't watch/play/read them, and just pick up the original game, and play. Sorted.
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I would have to say that all in all Final Fantasy VII was great for its time and out of all the games i would have to say that the characters in this one are what reall draw me to liking the game and even though i never played the game all the way through (When i was a kid it was my brother who had it so i never got to play it much but i would always watch him) i really liked what i did play of it and i think that if they made a remake of the game possibly better graphics more things added to it and even possibly more to the story line i would buy it in an instance because i have been playing x-2 latley and i don't find it that much more interesting then final fantasy VII which is funny cause thats for playstation. All in all i feel that final fantasy VII is rated as it shoud be :)
ooDefinitely not under-rated. XD;

With all the se/prequals this game got instead of the other Final Fantasy series. And the fact that Kingdom Hearts used like, almost all the characters from Final Fantasy 7 to make a cameo of but barely from the other Final Fantasy series. Also, with all the crazed fans running around.. XD

I don't think it's under-rated. Slightly over-rated, yes. But you have to agree, the game was awesome. 8]
Argor251 said:
Well, I always thought that the re-releases of 1,2,4,5 and 6 on the Playstation would change all of that. But sadly it appears that that is not the case... I seem to have been the only person I have met who has played those and enjoyed them. I think most people must have a lower tolerance for graphics than I have, which is a shame. I agree sadly a lot of people forget, or ignore, these earlier titles but that shouldn't make people hate Final Fantasy 7. Hell most new FF fans nowadays are fans of FFX, FFXII or Advent Children. But Final Fantasy 7; gameplay wise, story wise, character wise, music wise, IMO, that game delivered. Just like FF6 and the other FF's before it, and just like FF8-9 and to a lesser extent (due to inferior gameplay elements) 10 after it.

I certainly enjoy the earlier editions. In fact, I prefer the graphics of 6 over 7. SNES games, in general, usually have pretty good graphics. I agree, that most new FF fans usually favorite the later games, since that's what they came into. >_<

Argor251 said:
The reason this game has got so much hype is not helped by the sequals, prequals, movies and other spin-offs which annoy some fans. If SE decided to make a movie of FF6, and a sequal of FF6, milked it beyond repair, I'm sure quite a lot of people will get annoyed about that too, and sadly some people can't seperate the sequals from the original game, and that ruins their view of that game too... Then again, FF6 will be a harder game to muck up in a sequal, as the world as a whole was probably a bit more colourful, in comparison to the character Cloud which could be put under darkness in sequals. But still, people will eventually become fed up of the FF6 universe... This is all that has happened to the FF7 universe to be honest.

Yeah, certainly making FF7 into a movie and spin-off(s) feeds the fanbase. However, I've always said that if FF6 was to be made into a real-life movie or TV series, I would be right on top of that, wanting to act in it. I love FF6 so very much. :ohshit:

IMO, sequels in general are hard to make successful at any rate. :huh: For example, very few (even) Disney sequels have been good. But Hollywood has this whole "Sequelitis" where they just pump them out... Awful, awful. And because they just pump out sequels, they usually suck; and because they usually suck, sometimes fans who looked forward to the sequel, who are then disappointed with it, will have a hard time enjoying the first one again. I've been there with a couple of things, but I've just, then, ignored the sequel and went back to just watching the original. -_-

Argor251 said:
I understand that if some people genuinely hate the game, that is their personal preference.. But it angers me when people hate the game purely to be seen as different, or because they are fed up of the hype or sequals...

Like, "I don't like FF7 because so many people do..." Yeah. I see your point there. Ugh.
was a good game no doubt, but i think it is a little overrated, because everyone tells me it has the best storyline of all the game, but it just never appealed to me as much as other story lines in the series. myself i prefer the final fantasy VIII and X story lines.
I would say Seven is an bit overrated. It is quite fun to play, the graphics are good for their time and still have an certain 'charm', and the story is great. However, I'm somewhat annoyed it gets all those sequels and prequels. No other older game gets this. And VII isn't my favorite game in the series. It ties with XIII and is beaten by VI, X and my favorite game in the series, IX.

It's still a great game, but it's fallen in my opinion due to Square's milking of it. I mean, you get an mediocre movie that pushes most characters to the margins and ignores most of FFVII's character development, then an...third person shooter than did the same, but worse. I haven't played Crisis Core, but I enjoy the idea.
I might have posted already on this thread but don't have the heart to look through it.

To be honest, FFVII had the best storyline, best game play, best character involvement (for the MAIN characters at least) in any RPG I've ever played.

I mean I have played to many RPGS.. but none have ever came close to the story or FMVs that this game originally produced.

The problem though, is the spin offs which hindered the game. Even Advent Children made the game worse in my opinion. If they would have just left it alone, I think honestly this game would have been a Relic. I just don't see the point of keep coming out with new "FFVII" spin offs, it harms the game to be honest.

If they choose to make a remake this game in the future at this point.. well they have to many expectations to live up to. No FF game has even come close to the complicated Adult themes that this game originally produced. The story had tons of depth, which is the problem with the FF games now a days.. i feel like I'm playing a remake of VII every time I pick up a new game.

(FF VIII, FFIX, FFX, FFXII - I just feel as if they throw a new story in and then work their themes around, but can never be as original FFVII)

This game is neither underated, or overated, it is just an over commercialized game, which desensitizes the already loyal fans.
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The question that should be asked is it the entire series of FFVII or just the original FFVII game that is over-rated?
If it's the series, yes.
If it's the original, no.

Square-Enix have completely milked the VII franchise and at the very least tainted it's original image with these shitty prequals, sequals, prequals of prequals, etc. It seems that they are just money whores, I mean cmon. A film? A PS2 Game? A PSP Game? A Phone Game!? Wtf, talk about trying to make as much profit as possible. Do any of the spin-off stories have as much appeal as the original on the PSX. Hell no. Imo, don't change anything that already works. Yet in this case they'd rather make more money.
These spin-offs do not do any of the original fans any favours. If Square-Enix wanted to really continue the storyline then a (big ass) book would have sufficed. With everything in chronological order, and the same damned format! Paper. Instead we get little 12 year olds picking up Dirge of Ceberus because the 'vampire' on the front looks cool, and hey presto. We suddnely have an army of children who think they know what VII is all about. When really they no f**k all.

VII in it's own right was God like. It was the first FF to involved FMVs, 3D characters, a very long storyline and plenty of mini-games to play. The Materia-Weapon link/growth system was heaven sent and limit breaks were kickass. For it's time (1997) FFVII was epic. To most of us, it still is.

It's just a shame that Square-Enix have sold their soul to the devil, resulting in the production of over-rated pieces of shit that tarnish the original game.
I always favoured VII over any other FF game. However, due to the current games associated with it, it has caused to me to look at it in a different way. The game is amazing but I just can't relate to it as much as I used to. It has been milked and torn apart way too much.
If you want an awesome FF to play, that was underated and is basically started and finished throughout one game on one format, then play Final Fantasy IX; my new favourite FF.
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I think VII, the origional game ('cause that's what we're talking about here) is not overated. Like has been said, it was a massive leap from the sprite generation of titles and the whole package just oozed evolution. I won't concentrate on that aspect too much, though as I never did play the origionals till afterwards; however, VII was an absolute joy to play. The characters, story, music, design and so forth all had a great charm and, even till this day, I can see clearly that it is brilliant. No matter how many spin-offs they churn out, or how many kids say that they know it (when in fact they don't) I will always love VII. It was superbly executed and had an engrossing storyline and cast of characters.

Loads of fans put it on a pedastal becuse it was great. It's only because so many say it, and still to this day, people are saying it's overated. Well, it was brilliant and clearly touched many-a-fans hearts.

For me, personally, IX's my favourite.

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I think VII, the origional game ('cause that's what we're talking about here) is not overated. Like has been said, it was a massive leap from the sprite generation of titles and the whole package just oozed evolution. I won't concentrate on that aspect too much, though as I never did play the origionals till afterwards; however, VII was an absolute joy to play. The characters, story, music, design and so forth all had a great charm and, even till this day, I can see clearly that it is brilliant. No matter how many spin-offs they churn out, or how many kids say that they know it (when in fact they don't) I will always love VII. It was superbly executed and had an engrossing storyline and cast of characters.

Loads of fans put it on a pedastal becuse it was great. It's only because so many say it, and still to this day, people are saying it's overated. Well, it was brilliant and clearly touched many-a-fans hearts.

For me, personally, IX's my favourite.

Haha I love how your so like me, say how good the original VII is... then finish it off with 9 owns kthx.

I've looked over both sides of the argument and I decided that it's neither over-rated nor under-rated. I think people believe that it's over-rated because of how much attention it gets. However, despite it being a good game I believe this is also because it was the first Final Fantasy to come on to the Play Station, which was truly a great console at that time, therefore instantly making all fans excited. Just as when Final Fantasy X came out for the PS2, and like what the attention will be like when Final Fantasy XIII comes out. I certainly don't think it's under-rated though. I just wish that VIII and IX got more attention too :)