[RP] - Spirit Shards


Ferion and Vex were the last two at the pub. Ferion looked at Vex who seemed almost passing out. "Alright Vex lets get going." Ferion got up and lifted one of Vex's arms over his shoulder and got Vex up. They slowly left the bar, and headed towards the gate where the rest of the members were waiting for them.

"Sorry we took so long, one person here shouldnt drink at all." He said pointing at Vex on his arm.
Vex sighed as Chuck stopped his drinking spree. He was having fun acting like an idiot around these people. He just hoped he wouldn't have to drop out of the facade along their journey, one of them already looked down on him when he said the word magic. He was afraid of the tensions it would cause of they saw him use any of his skills that actually involved magic.

He wearily looked over to the elf that was a member of their group. Not wanting to lose the impression he already set he made himself stumble a little in getting up from his seat. He even walked side to side some till he hit the door to exit the pub. It took him some time in his pretended staggering state but he finally managed to make it down to the rest of the group.

"So how do ya's plan on getting out of the city with the gate being closed?"
He toned down his slurred speech a little, just enough to give the thought that the booze was wearing off.
Coming out of the forest Lucia saw that Asher and Robert were sat patiently waiting for her return, she still didn't feel she could trust the man and Asher most likely didn't trust her either, moving her robe to hide the bloodstained blades she walked over with her collection of drywood. "Even if it is always day here, that doesn't mean it's never cold, Asher should especially take note of that" not really directing her comment at either of them she began preparing the fire "unless either of you get hungry tonight I suggest we get to sleep early so we can make it to the village for supplies in the early morning, from there we can make our way to the shrine and get on this cheery quest"

Naturally the end of her comment was obvious sarcasm, she had no real enjoyment for this mission they had been given, destroying one world for the sake of another wasn't an easy thing to do, perhaps sharing the shards between both worlds and attempting a seperation to isolate and save both sides would serve better for either side. Wiping out an entire world was way too much blood for their hands.
Ezelus looked up at his fellow team members arriving at the gate. He saw the drunken look they all had on their faces, and retaliated with a look of disgust.

"Good luck trying to fend of fiends while intoxicated.." He said to them calmly, observing the iron gate, noticing one of the guards was walking over in our general direction.

The guard saw the group trying to figure out how to get to the outside, and quickly ran over to us, drawing his weapon and giving us an unforgiving stare, that's when Ezelus stepped in, and pushed the sword down calmly...

"We need to get to the outside. We've a quest from our Lord and Master." He said, closing his eyes, then staring straight into the guards face..

"I see. I shall open the gate then, but be quick." The guard said hesitantly, before making his way up to the tower to open the gate....

"Now you see why i was laying here? If i wasn't here you'd all be inprisoned by now!" He snapped at his team mates, who are still seemingly intoxicated from the ale at the tavern.
Asher Brighton
Outskirts of Primo and Silva Forest
Speaking with Prince Robert and Lucia

Asher grinned sweetly at the Prince. "Prince Robert, you are so wise, it is no wonder that you are the Kings Son! I feel unworthy of even being in your presence!" She was nervous around the prince, he was a noble, and she was... just a farmers daughter. Then out of the bushes where Asher had thought she'd seen a figure came Lucia, she looked a little beat, but Asher didn't say anything.

"Even if it is always day here, that doesn't mean it's never cold, Asher should especially take note of that"

Asher frowned and folder her arms over her stomach feeling self conscious now. It was true she didn't wear much but she was so used to it she didn't even notice until someone like Lucia brought it up. "welcome back Lucia." she said coldly "Thank you for collecting the firewood for us. I'll set it up" and with that, the Silver locked girl collected the wood from Lucia and began to set up the fire, cracking two rocks together over the little bundle of sticks, watching the little sparks that looked like tiny fireworks form between them.

"unless either of you get hungry tonight I suggest we get to sleep early so we can make it to the village for supplies in the early morning, from there we can make our way to the shrine and get on this cheery quest"

Asher noted the sarcasm in the Womans voice. Clearly Lucia did not want to be here but that was too bad. Asher didn't feel like watching her planet crumble at the hands of the Umbrians.

"Prince Robert has been telling me his ideas about the shards, Lucia" The girl started. "He thinks something might happen if we bring all 8 of them together, isn't that right Prince?" Asher brought the rocks together once more over the sticks and finally a small flame began to burn "HAH!" She cheered, the warm glow of the fire, growing bigger each second felt amazing against the girls skin. Smoke began to rise in the sky.

"Well anyway, we should get some rest and find the other two chosen... who knows how far the Umbrians are already"


Channing (Chuck) Freeley
Eternus Gate
Speaking with all Chosen Ones.

Finally it seemed Ferion and Vex were ready to join the group at the gate. All five chosen ones together... about to start their quest... Chuck felt a well of excitement building up within his stomach. He couldn't wait to get out there. Well... he was Excited until the Wraith spoke...

"Good luck trying to fend of fiends while intoxicated.." was his first snide remark, Chuck just raised an eyebrow, he was hardly intoxicated, it took more than 2 lagers to get this giant pissed... hell it took more than 7 for him to even get giggly. Chuck realised the creature wasn't going to take his advice of climbing over the crumbled wall so he just stood their quietly. Watching....

A young guard ended up waltzing over asking what they were up to... it did look a little suspicious, 5 warriors, two of them creatures, standing around the town exit when it was closed. But in the end the boy let them pass.

"That is why Boys should not be Guards" Chuck muttered. If he was guarding that gate he would not have opened it for anyone unless he was given a good enough reason to. "Well then Gentlemen and Mi'lady" he smiled "Onwards, down ta Broken Path, Through ta Baron Road and inta Colligo!" The large man pointed through the gate and happily strolled through, leading the small group.

The Broken path was the tiny road traveling down the cliff face, it was very dangerous as sometimes the floor literally crumbled beneath your feet. "Watch ya step, Don't look down if ya afraid a heights... Specially you Vexy, don't want ya falling off, you can barely talk...I can carry ya if you like?" Chuck enjoyed picking on poor Vex, the man didn't seem to take it too well.

"Or if ya prefer I can carry ya, MiLady?" he grinned at Celestia, Wiggling his eyebrows a little.
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Prince Robert Silvermyst
Outskirts of Primo and Silva Forest
Speaking to Lucia and Asher

Robert chuckled a bit at the compliment. "You really wouldn't know it if you look at the differences between my father and I. If it were my father that was chosen and not I, he would be seeking to eliminate Umbria post-haste. He clings to his narrow-minded view of Umbrians as barbarians, despite the progresses Umbrians have been chronicled at making, even altering the very tree that the dark god used to create them. The Umbrians have had centuries of free will since their god became one with their world. While I am sure that there are many Umbrians who would rather us all die, I'm certain there are just as many Umbrians who have questioned the reasons of their god. After all, before the great divide, they were created to be merely disposable cannon fodder for the god's desire for conquest. They were tools, nothing more. If they were to win this race for the shards, how do you think their god would treat them? If anything they'd pry have their identities stripped from them to prevent any further insurrection." Robert explained as he opened up the can of stew and put it into the mess kit pot.

After putting the pot on the fire, he looked over to Lucia. "Yes, as I was telling Asher, I have a theory. The two worlds were once one whole. Only seven are needed to bring back one deity, and bringing one back dooms the other. If we were to acquire all eight and use all eight, there is a chance the two worlds will become one whole, a planet with both night and day. Of course, that may also mean the two deities become unified as one as well, or their essences would be fused into the one created world." He theorized.

"However, in the event that only seven can truly be used, I would do whatever I can to give refugees from Umbria a protected area of land to live, and to hell what my father would think of it. I know there would be strife at first, it comes with natural racism, the fear of that which is different, but I believe that through education and sharing of ideas, the two races can one day live in harmony with each other. It might happen within our lifetime or it may not happen until our great grandchildren's time, but I am sure coexistence would one day happen." Robert spoke as he stirred the stew in the pot. After a few minutes, he took the pot out of the fire, went to his riding tiger, and removed a few disposable, biodegradable bowls and wooden spoons.

He patted the tiger's side and spoke. "Go hunt." The large tiger jumped into the woods to go kill some wild prey to feed herself while Robert returned to the girls, giving each one a bowl and a spoon. He used his spoon to ration out the food. They would each get an equal portion of the beef stew, so no one had more than the other. "Now then, let's eat, and then we'll get some sleep." Robert spoke in a calming and pleasant tone of voice.
Lucia mentally sighed after listening to Robert's suggosed theory, it was best to nip this childish fantasy in the bud... "Then explain to me, how do you plan to get all 8 shards? Do you presume we'd be able to get all 8 before the Umbrians have a chance to get 1? And even if we do manage this what proof do you have that it would help any? Perhaps it's 7 for a reason, say for instance to avoid causing more harm than good? And even if we assume you're right and it's all sunshine and rainbows to assume the Umbrians even want to live here is foolish too, perhaps they love their home, perhaps they hate us, why make them the victim minority in a place they hate?"

Lucia took extra care to pick apart all the details she didn't like, trying to overwhelm him with her bombarding of questions, in such an unknown mission they couldn't assume all would go well, perhaps there was no good alternative here. Even if it all worked out and the deities fused into one, who is to say that that will spell happiness for all? For all they know they could achieve the opposite and sign their planet's death warrant...
The wraith's remarks fell on deaf ears. Celestia knew well that her fighting ability would be haphazard in her intoxicated state, but she also knew that it would be well balanced out with her uninhibited strength. That, and at the very least, there is an element of surprise.

... Provided she keeps herself in shape anyway. Even as she walked towards the gate, her movements were sluggish, and was possible only because she had exerted a great amount of control. Much worse was her vision, which replicated every object in sight -- so much so that for a moment, Celestia was under the impression that the group had been surrounded by an entire battalion of guards.

"That is why Boys should not be Guards"

Without so much as a thought, the words were already out of her mouth," Not a p'oblem if he's handsome~"

She winked at the guard as the group walked on. Having heard her words, and with a face of deep red, the guard hurriedly closed the gate after them. The Broken Path was a road down a cliff face. No doubt, a terrible place to be when one is intoxicated.

Already, Celestia was struggling to find her footing as she walked. True to it's name, the roads were broken, with no smooth path to tread on. With one rocky outcrop here, and a pothole there, Celestia realized she ought to take Chuck's words.

The look in his eyes was that of mischief, almost as if he didn't mean it -- or so it seemed to Celestia.


Fumbling her way through a replica of Chuck brought up in her drunken haze, she felt her way behind him and hopped on without letting him respond.


[OOC: Forgot this side note -- o0PinkSquid0o you could refuse Celestia. Your call.]
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The scent of blood lingered on him and the creatures were afraid to go near the dark child that walked among them. They steered a wide berth around him, not even daring to catch his ire. And so he went unmolested to through the plains.

There wasn't much of a path to follow but he found one that cut through and ended at a fork. At the fork was a signpost that pointed towards Tempero and Otium. Taking the path to Otium, it wasn't far before he was halted by a trio of guards.

"I'm afraid we can't let you pass. The river flooded and now the path is uncrossable."

"I can get across."

"Actually, you can't. Even if you do wield magic. There's an arcane flux in the water. We don't know why but its completely impassable. It's even pushing a field into the sky to prevent aerial crossing."

In the distance a bird flew toward the river only to slam into an invisible wall and fall to the ground.

Aklyss figured something like this might happen. The gods were dying and the elements were out of control. Guess that means he would have to go to Tempero.

He started back towards the fork. The light was already dimming though, the signal for night. There was no point in camping on the plains where creatures could attack. He set up a small camp near the guardpost, listening to their conversations.
As Vex walked out the gate he rubbed his head and let out a small sigh. Going over the days events to himself he wondered how he got himself into this mess. Meanwhile a little voice in the back of his mind spoke. "Well I certainly didn't expect this. Looks like we may be able to cause some mayhem finally. You know you can't hold me back forever, I will break free of this stupid binding. Is that why you're playing this act of a fool? A foolhardily attempt to earn their trust or friendship. It doesn't matter once they see the real us, they will hate us, by then we should just kill them and do this ourselves. We don't need these weaklings holding us back. We alone should receive the glory and praise from our god alone."

Vex stammered to the side of the cliff face holding one hand to his face almost gripping it as in agony, the other on the cliff for support. In such a light dull tone he muttered softly enough words that could be heard only if someone was right next to him.

"Shut-up, we both know I'm better then that. I want nothing to do with destroying anyone, let alone these people or those on the other world. You may be right about me acting like a fool though, I don't want them to see what kind of monster I have in me. As for our god I could care less, I want nothing to do with some being that would kill for fun. Also another reason I'm doing this is hopefully to find a way to get rid off you, so why not sit back and enjoy the ride."

A moment of silence was given to him before his other voice jeered at him "Oh such brave words, but face it. I am you and you are me, as much as I am a monster you are to or worse for creating me. After all I was created from your own foolish attempts to hide apart of yourself from the world." Vex felt a silent chill pass up his spine almost as if the words were ringing true, but still in another silent whisper taunting voice he replied "What getting sacred now are we? Is that the best retort you got?"

Finally getting himself composed he stood up and shook his head. Then looking around almost confused he shook his head again. He then brushed himself off acting like he was trying to get some of the dust off his clothes. After going through his motions he simply stared a bit and said "Damn didn't think those drinks would hit me that fast. Well guess its a good thing I'm a bit sober now, wouldn't want to be a mess walking down this cliff would I?"
Asher Brighton
Outskirts of Primo and Silva Forest
Speaking with Prince Robert and Lucia

Asher took her Stew from the Prince and thanked him with a joyous nod. The bowl was so warm to the touch and it made the girl smile. She took a spoonful to her mouth and chewed on a piece of beef as she listened to the two speak. At first the conversation was serious but friendly. The Prince explained his ideas to Lucia who looked to take it all in.

As the girl listened she noticed that the dusk had covered the sky. It was still light out but the sky was hazed over in a orange/pinkish wash. This was how the Relucescians knew it was time for bed.

Eventually the girl snapped out of thought when Lucia spoke up.... she was obviously not impressed with the Man's ideas at all:

"Then explain to me, how do you plan to get all 8 shards? Do you presume we'd be able to get all 8 before the Umbrians have a chance to get 1? And even if we do manage this what proof do you have that it would help any? Perhaps it's 7 for a reason, say for instance to avoid causing more harm than good? And even if we assume you're right and it's all sunshine and rainbows to assume the Umbrians even want to live here is foolish too, perhaps they love their home, perhaps they hate us, why make them the victim minority in a place they hate?"

They were all good points... but Asher didn't like how aggressive the woman was so she spoke up. "Well, Lucia, at least he is coming up with some ideas!" She huffed. Even if the WolfMans ideas didn't work... knowing that there might be a way to save everyone soothed the girls heavy heart.

She quickly scoffed the rest of her soup and placed the bowls neatly on the floor near where she was sitting. "Well I am going to bed" She said standing up and brushing her hands against her skirt. "good night, tomorrow may we start our journey and find the last two team mates!" and with that, she disappeared inside the tent.


Channing (Chuck) Freeley

Beginning of the Broken Path

The woman took his words literally and Chuck watched her wabble her way towards him. His face went straight and a little worried. He didn't think Celestia would want him to carry her but it seemed he was wrong. Chuck usually joked didn't expect anything out of it.
She felt around his body finding his back, he gulped a little... he loved women, he found them amazing... but they were hard to come by in these parts and truth be told, the confident warrior was now a little nervouse.

Finally She jumped onto his back holding herself up with her arms and legs
"Onwa'ds!" she said, ushering him like a horse.

The man couldn't help but laugh. He honestly didn't mind the woman carrying on like this at all, in fact he enjoyed the cheery nature. "Yes Ma'am" He brought a hand to his forehead and saluted her. She was quite light and if it wasn't for the armour she would be quite petite too.
Chuck then began his way down the path, being extra careful with his step, as he placed each foot on the road -which was only wide enough for one person- little rocks would crumble and fall down the sides of the cliff face. "Aye... what a stupid road thus is..." He grumbled using his hands against the cliff wall for balance.

He stopped a moment and turned back to the others "Well c'mon ya lot! Stop dawdling..." as he spoke he noticed Vex was acting rather odd.

"Damn didn't think those drinks would hit me that fast. Well guess its a good thing I'm a bit sober now, wouldn't want to be a mess walking down this cliff would I?" Vex said, seeming to put on a happy face.

"Ya becareful there Vexy... we dun want ya to fall and die before we've even begun ar quest..."
Hopefully Ferion and The Wraith would keep an eye on Vex, they were behind him after all.

Chuck continued down the Path gently and carefully. "So Princess... Why on earth didya find yasalf at Eternus? An' 'ow come ya got Armour like dat?"


(OOC) Ravness Loxaerion, Chuck would never turn down a pretty lady :) He is quite happy carrying her.
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Robert Silvermyst
Outskirts of Primo and Silva Forest
Speaking to Lucia and Asher

"I am aware of the complications, better than you might expect. However, your thoughts on the subject have just as little to back and justify your statements as mine do. That is to say, we are both merely speculating. However, if there is a way to save both worlds, or at least to help save those that seek refuge, then I will pursue those paths. If the Dark God triumphs, I highly doubt he will allow his creations to have anymore free will, and they will go back to being disposable pawns in His game of war. I'm sure even some of the Umbrians believe that much of their God. However, I will not argue the matter with you. You choose to see the world through a closed mind and a closed heart. I see it with openness and hope while still taking into account the potentials for failure. And if my idea does work, and the unified deity wishes to punish someone, then I will take the full brunt of their wrath." Robert calmly explained before he finished his stew. Simply arguing a point would not change someone's mind on the matter.

For him, actions spoke louder than words. A small dog barks with empty threats to compensate for its lack of strength. A large dog needs only bark once, as a warning, and doesn't let emotion cloud his judgement. After taking out his canteen and cleaning out his utensils and mess kit, he puts his stuff away and slips into the tent, curling himself up to sleep.
Inch by inch, the party was slowly making their way across the broken path, the debris crumbing off the cliff face beneath their feet. Ezelus looked over at the others before him, not sure how much further we have untill we have solid footing again..

"Tsk, trust humans not to think of creating a more sturdy path.." he said to himself, watching the others before him to make sure they don't fall off, not due to concern so much, as obligation, being the beginning of the journey, it would be pretty stupid to have lost a member already.

After some time, Ezelus began thinking back to the Shrine. he had found an oddly coloured staff make of Crystal. he grabbed it and kept it with him. He's always had his Blood Staff since he could remember, but something about this other staff irked him.

"Something tells me this Staff will make things.....complicated" he thought to himself, looking around the path, thinking that we may still have a long road ahead of us...
Stumbling out of the remnants of the forest, Stevie thought he heard voices. Even though he disliked people, it would certainly be a relief to be able to ask directions since that ass had abandoned him in the woods. He eagerly headed toward the sounds he heard, and soon smelt smoke as well. A fire, he thought. That means food.

He moved a little faster toward the sounds and the smell, and found himself in someone’s camp ground. He quickly caught sight of a woman from behind and almost instantly recognized her as the older woman from the temple. He wondered if Asher was still with her. He couldn’t help but smile a bit at the thought of them off on some sort of journey together.

There was time for those thoughts later though. He quickly walked up to her, without thinking that he might be unexpected or that she might not take kindly to surprise. He was too busy with thoughts of food, and a guide to civilization. He wasn’t new to life in the woods, but usually he prepared before he took long trips away to train.

“Hi, I don’t know if you remember, but we meet at the temple”

(OOC: And posted. Sorry Toni. Oh and Damon this should meet your desires as well. :wacky: Mortel)
[OOC: o0PinkSquid0o My bad. I mistakenly thought that Soul had yet to post... Was planning to do so after he posted... Until I got that reminder, and realized he had already posted. Here comes]

No doubt, this man clearly wasn't all just fanciful-looking good. He definitely had the muscles to match his look. Celestia didn't climb on with the intention of feeling this out, but having unintentionally done so, she figured it wasn't all so depreciating now.

"So Princess... Why on earth didya find yasalf at Eternus? An' 'ow come ya got Armour like dat?"

Celestia cleared her throat dramatically.

"Ahem, such a pe'son as you'self is not p'ivy to this info'mation!"

Managing a tone typical of the upper class, she scoffed," Commone'!"

And she laughs melodiously.

"Just kidding! That inn, my pa'ents own it. I came back to visit them... Was planning to stay... Until some silly God decided to dest'oy anothe' wo'ld. This a'mo' here is my p'ize. I had to th'ash some hooligan for it! Fancy enough fo' a gal like me, no?"

Beginning of the Broken Path

Ferion and the rest of the group was walking this broken path to find a spirit shard when Ferion began to wonder just what everyone's goal was. 'Why do this? Why help fallen gods when they will kill each other.'

Ferion looked at the group who was on this task as well. 'Who to trust who to depend on?' He looked Ezelus first 'He looks like a man who would destroy his own mother and anyone else who steps in his own way.' He looked at the rest of the group and thought to himself. 'Only one way to figure out who to trust....'

"Why does everyone fight?" Ferion said to the rest of the group a they walked down this long path...
Channing (Chuck) Freeley
The Broken Path

"Just kidding! That inn, my pa'ents own it. I came back to visit them... Was planning to stay... Until some silly God decided to dest'oy anothe' wo'ld. This a'mo' here is my p'ize. I had to th'ash some hooligan for it! Fancy enough fo' a gal like me, no?"

Chuck laughed at the girls enthusiasm. "So ya parents are tha Inn keepas...No wonda they looked at me funny when we walked in tagether." He chucked. "Ya armor is really quite stunning, M'lady, it suits ya."

He continued down the path, carrying the girl along on his back, carefully placing each foot, not wanting to kill them both. Luckily the path wasn't very long and they were almost at the bottom. He had Vex in the back of his mind, the man didn't look too stable the last time he checked. He didn't know if it was the alcohol or something else. Chuck smirked to himself... the man got drunk off of one beer... what a lightweight.

Then from behind came Ferion the dark elves voice
"Why does everyone fight?"

Chuck thought a moment. Why was he risking his life to fight for his reckless and angry god? A god who put his people's needs below his need for war.

"Well..." He began "Aye am definitely not fightin' fa Acerbus, thats fa sure...aye think aye am fightin' fa our people... If we don't do what we've been entrusted ta do... then this world crumbles..." he paused as he stepped over a ditch in the tiny road and then continued. "Also we got them damn Relucescians afta tha shards too... It's a race... and aye do enjoy winning." It was true, Chuck loved to fight and he loved to win even more.

Finally the end of the path was in sight and from there stretched a barron wasteland. The place they called the Barron road. It was like a desert, nothing but rocks, dirt and dead trees scattered here and there. there were a lot of savage monsters waiting for their next meal.

"Alright... we're at tha end of this path...and you thought that was dangerous... down this way we gat--"
Chuck wasn't able to finish his sentence when he was hit with an arrow to the left shoulder. He groaned and gripped the stick, tearing it from his flesh, he let out a loud groan as blood dribbled out the wound. "Night Orcs!!"

In the distance came a small army of them, 5 Archers and 10 warriors. There was no doubt they were after the groups belongings and their flesh. They were disgusting creatures, they had huge tusks coming from their mouths, their skin was a pale green colour, they were malnourished and their armour was old and tattered, but they were relentless fighters and would not stop until they were dead.

Chuck gently placed Celestia down and spoke. "Well....aye guess we will be battling much sooner than aye thought...." He pulled his sword from its sheath, whincing from the pain in his shoulder. It was a huge two handed long sword that went from the ground to his chest. It was heavy but chuck was used to it.

"Hmm well aye dibs the two warriors on tha left" he winked and rushed into battle, sword held forward ready to pierce anything that got in his way.


(OCC) thought it was time for some action ;)
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Ezelus drew a long sigh, after hearing that the narrow path has ended, and he could once again, walk on solid ground, only to see an arrow piercing Chuck's arm. He turned to Ferion with a deathly grin on his face, glaring into his eyes..

"If you survive the battle, i'll tell you. " he said calmly, before sensing a volley of arrows coming from the left.

After running up behind Chuck, Ezelus swung his Bone Staff around, then slammed the staff's bottom against the ground, with a protect field enveloping the party.

"Hurry up and get your act together, I have an urge to burn those archers to cinders!" He said in a raspy tone, looking over at what seemed to be, another small group of Night Orcs approaching...
Vex had slowly walked down the path all to well remembering how deadly a trip it was, the walk down seemed far more insane then the walk up. As they were getting to the bottom the one that called himself Ferion, a Dark Elf if he remembered asked a strange question "Why does everyone fight?"

Vex thought to himself at this statement before replying. "A reason for fighting, I suppose I have none right now. To many circumstances lead me here some of my choice others and most of the rest not. Though if I had to pick a reason at this moment and it could very well change, it would be for not having to die. I don't like the thought that our actions could very well kill another planet but until a way is found to save both worlds, I will fight for my right to live."

Maybe then no sooner did he finish talking did they reach the base of the mountain, then did a vast land open before them. It was desolate and looked of death and to add more to the gloomy look a wave of Orcs came rushing at them. One of their archers fired an arrow, barely taking note of it the arrow grazed his cheek as he attempted to throw himself to the right. Doing more of a sideways roll he got up and dusted himself off and drew his sword. A new look of anticipation came across his face as well as a slight look of anger.

"Ok that one archer is mine, I don't care for cheap shoots much. After that i'll start on those warriors from the left." Taking a look at his comrades but mostly chuck he yelled as he ran off, "How bout we make a little wager, one with the least kills buys drinks at the next town?"
Lucia looked away with disgust, obviously this guy wasn't worth talking to, he was just as paranoid as anyone else, not taking into account that we could be on the wrong side and the Umbra were the so-called good guys. Though in war there's never a good guy, just two sides wanting what the other has, simple childish reasons that are glorified into something holier than thou. Lucia didn't want anything to do in this little game of power.

Hearing the footsteps of someone behind her, hearing their voice made Lucia lower her guard. With an ignorant shake of her hear she walked off, this boy didn't matter right now, she needed to come up with a plan, one that would actually work. Seeing as the forest was somewhat shaded in the sunlight she headed inside, not too deep but enough so she could cool down and think, leaning against a tree she began to ponder over what to do.

Fighting for your planet was all well and good, yet at such a cost was it truly worthwhile to condemn another for self preservation, however human it was it was still a trait that didn't need to become dominant while they had the luxury of choice, who is to say that doing nothing would be of greater benefit? Perhaps doing nothing would keep things in balance, satisfying both sides instead? Obviously talking to Robert would not yeild such answers, he was too concerned in listening to the first thing that the goddess said, when it's hardly a fact that a goddess is any more immune to deceit than a human is.