What do YOU believe?

What Do You Believe?

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Not sure what I believe these days >_<

I was baptised as an Anglican.

But I went to a Catholic school and then sometimes went to a Christian Church.

In my opinion people just looked like they were being brainwashed and half the time looked crazy. =/

They'd be up on the stage with some pastor acting as though he had all this power as he lay his hand on their head and 'cured them.'

Pretty much these people did anything they felt like in the week and then on Sunday plead for forgiveness and cried about how their life was so bad...so obviously they had good reason for being the assholes they were =0 /sarcasm.

Anyway my partners family are Jehovah's Witnesses. In my opinion from what I've seen, these people are the most honest and truly believe in doing things exactly as they should by the book each day.

I tend to think that their way of doing things is a little more peaceful. They don't celebrate, birthdays, christmas, easter or anything for that matter.

And really it makes perfect sense. These holidays are just crazy times. It's all commercial and nothing is as it used to be. I mean, Saint Nick was transformed into some fat guy. =/ Why? Because good doings and genoristy doesn't sell well. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!

Really we should be celebrating every day we spend alive. It's so fake to only celebrate and have a good day on certain days of the year because that's what society expects of us.

So I've decided that I'm not going to follow any religion. I do however follow Jehovah's Witnesses very closely on their beliefs but I will not call myself one because I know that I will not be able to follow the book exactly as I should if I were one.

One day I might figure it out though. Either way it doesn't really phase me. =P
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I'm an atheist. I'm pretty sure, people are easy to brainwash given means and trust, and I'm also pretty sure there was more bad stuff coming from religion in our past, than good. It's certainly easier to kill for a higher being, then to love for a higher being.
why do people always need to follow some religious philosophy?
why not find your own guidelines for yourself?
i personally don't believe in any celestial power, it just doesn't make sense for me. anyhow, i do have close friends and family members that belong to quite different religions and i respect their opinions as they respect mine.
my favourite philosopher would be aristotle, although i disagree with him in a few questions..
I was born and raised a Catholic, but I do not follow any particular religion at all. I believe that all that have a faith, should keep strong to that faith in nonviolent and harmonious ways with other faiths. That all faiths shoul tolerate one another. Faith is a part of life, and always will be.

I am more spiritual than devoutly religious. I listen to the world for the answers to my questions (debatable Gaia or other such non-dietious diety), as I consider the entire world a living entity. I listen to the wind, and allow it to blow me unto the path that fate intertwines my life and existance in. I flow with the water into uncharted seas, and burn in the fire of agony and sufferage for those I wish to protect. I believe that the world (population wise) has lost faith in the world (entity wise), and that has weakened the ways of all living and non-living things.

And, not to be taken offensively (I do say this with much respect), but I do believe that many of the world's faiths have become corrupted and tainted. Many have become blinded by their own faith, and many have become too extremest for the ways of such faiths that do exist. Observe the Islam and how it bashes Christianity and other such religions, when in reality, they are so very similar (aside a few names, people, and SOME beliefs). It seems to me, that faith is attempting to tear itself apart, and watch the world burn.

But, whichever one sees me as, do know that I fight for the power of good. I once waltzed upon the path of darkness and hatred for all kind, and I shunned those ways as they were wrong. When the world needs me, I am there for it, and it's inhabitants. I would sacrafic my life and existance to keep this world going;the good on and in it.

I can't give a big explanation, but I just don't believe in "God". I respect people with religions and who do believe there is something out there. But I don't think so.
I don't really believe in anything. As far as my beliefs go, I can live with that there was a man named Jesus 2000 years ago. Do I believe that he walked on the water? No. Do I believe he came back from the dead? No. I could also believe in Buddha to a certain point. When it comes to symbolizing peace. Do I believe he existed? No. Do I believe in God? No.

I have actually only been in a church twice in my entire life, and I am supposed to be of Christian blood. But I don't consider myself Christian to any point. My girl friend is Buddhist, therefore I believe in some parts of him more than Christian story.
I am an atheist. I do not believe in god or anything of the religious sorts. I believe in myself and that there is that. I said my peace, Git-R-Done.
Mod edit: Can you put more effort into your posts in the future please. Thank you =]
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Since I know I've posted in this thread before, I also said my religion is constantly updatable. I've said I don't believe in a Christian God or Jewish God, nor do I believe the Bible is a reference to my religion. I don't believe any religion is better than any other religion, they all have similar roots.

My life experience has brought me to my knees a few times and made me practically spit up blood (metaphorically speaking). Everyone has their journeys and everyone has things that they believe, even the so called nihilist believe in something, those conformists.

My idea is that life is secular and circular/spiral like. My choices are what makes me who I am. I believe in a god. I don't pray to him, other than thanking him for blessings I should have never received. I also pray when someone is in need of help. When I have no control over the situation or can not help. Say when my bud lost his mom to cancer last year, I could only pray that he would heal inside and let some sort of love come in from it. I have never gone through such a thing (losing a mom I mean), so my words were, I will be there for you.

I have told that to countless people through the years. Ever since I was 18. I believe we are all in need of something stronger than "religion" in general. We all need something stronger to believe in than a 2000 year old book written very "non-realistic" fashion. Some people need to learn to swim. They need to learn how to learn how to move with the change, and live on their own without having to cling to a belief system and then, only then will they realize what their life is about. Sometimes people will have to hit rock bottom in order to understand it, and others will have to have a life altering thing happen such as death/terminal illness. When you turn an eye to outside yourself and look on your fellow human as if they were part of you, then it becomes "all good." There are many who think like me, but I just don't go around boasting about my religion. Its a chosen path, I learned to live by it, and I don't expect anything people. I love everyone, and keep paying it forward. It makes me strong, and fulfilled.
I do not believe in Modern Church Ethics, I believe in Christ.


For those who have read my post in the Holy Trinity thread, you already know I do not believe in two men and a baby. I believe in Heavenly Mother, Father and Jesus Their Son.
I believe They are our Heavenly Family. Churchianity does not subscribe to hardly anything taught by Jesus. Their Word says, Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you. This does away with idea that Superchurch revivals or so-called manifestations or outpourings of The Holy Spirit are concentrated in certain areas of the globe, because we are constantly manifesting the Holy Spirit regardless if we are aware or not. For instance, She is the one who gives wisdom, discernment, understanding, inspiration and creativity. The Kingdom is within because we are vessels that house in clay Heavenly Family. This also wipes the gatherings of people in buildings from the map. Their Word also says, forsake not the assembling of yourselves together with like-minds. Like minds does not mean-we all believe we have to sit in a pew or stand behind a pulpit. It means those who share the same assignments( righteous desires-a desire you have that is to accomplish something to benefit the whole of humanity) and those who share the same gifts that are needed to bring that desire into tangibility.

Churchianity is infamous for capitalizing on Satan or Lucifer to invoke guilt or shame in order to generate revenue. What is not readily understood is the fact that God created everything...why would Heavenly Father create an opponent? And how can one Cherubim ( not Bottecelli or Michaelangelo's painting style) come against its own designer? Lucifer is not an enemy of God, because to have a documented enemy would denote that a documented competition was in order. There is no competition with your creator, as a toddler has no competition wrestling with its parent on the floor. There is only the illusion of competition. Now herein lies the problem. Cherubim are Machines of War. Demons are Angels with another assignment. In example, Michael "Who is like God?" is the fighter who fights for you in circumstance where you cannot, but He is also the Ma'lak or Death Angel. But angels are machines. Lucifer was a Cherubim. A machine cannot struggle, it does what its inventor programs it do. Their Word says, The seventy-two returned with joy and said, Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name. He replied, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. To the eye of man, lightning is a flash from dark to light. Metaphorically interpreted, the same balance of good and evil that was in the realm of the Heavenly Family was established on earth. Whats on the scales is Gevurah( Judgment...demonic/archonic assignment) and ( Chesed....archangelic assignment) Mercy. The fulcrum is Jesus Christ( Yesod) who stands as our brother who provided the sacrifice consciousness( the act of selflessly giving to provide mercy, or the Son who stands as the bridge from judgment to mercy) The creation of vessels was for the purpose of another great consciousness for The Son to union with, The Bride of Christ. Individuality we are Their Children, and Christ siblings, but collectively we are the Bride. Adam and Eve + propagation=collective consciousness. Satan means accuser of the brethren. ( Opportunity to overcome self-condemnation thus activating an understanding of redemption/restoration of emotions or psuche, which is soul) Now you ask ,How the hell does a loving God let a machine do all this horrible shit? There is a law for creation called judgment vs. mercy. This is how it works:

Kingdom of Heaven is also established within the human consciousness. Their Word says, " On earth as it is in Heaven." Jesus spoke in parables, or metaphor to get his points across. That which is spiritually discerned, contrary to pastorial definition, is actually that which is metaphorically interpreted, as Holy Spirit Mother gives understanding. What is in the consciousness manifest in the physical body as a judgment. This is where it can get tricky. A judgment for an adult or one is old enough to be aware of something that something is negatively effecting ones emotions or connection with other people, deceitful, self-condemning, or unforgiving manifest as an ailment in the body. Their Word says, Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. The body is a vessel and is constructed in a metaphorical fashion all of the abstract faculties required for one to maintain a healthy relationship with both Heavenly Family(God) and others, and thus a whole life. Feet are foundation( faith), bone is framework or central core relationship with God, tendons are connection, knees carry weight (balance), reproductive organs( the ability to produce the Fruits of Mother( peace, love, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, patience, joy, goodness) heart distributes lifeline (mercy) to parts of the body. Cancer in an adult is often attributed unforgiveness or a lack of confession. You can ask me about more detail for this subject. Children develop illness because the parents are in error in their own consciousness. Their Word says, Beloved above all things I would that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. Your soul is your emotions and this is in the consciousness. When you confess your trespasses to another you will be healed. When you forgive each other you will be healed. When you do either, your child will be healed.

Their Word says, But to one who not working by the Law, trusts fully believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited to him as righteousness, the standing acceptable to God. The Law is the aforementioned, not the fucking ten commandments or all the Deuteronomy shit. (I call 'em the Doots)

Faith is an ability. It is the power that comes with the knowledge Father chooses ALL things, and what He desires to choose is under the covenant made with His children through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. There is the option of not confessing/forgiving but using faith in Christ, which is to understand that Father has chosen what was done that was bad for a purpose you do not understand, Almost in the same way as a person in a hospital bed has been placed in a position of "stillness" ( being emptied of all selfishness and gaining great empathy) becomes well and steps forward with a new perspective and enlightened view to share with the rest of the world. Purposes like that. Judgment does not mean, " I thought something wrong so I scraped my elbow." Judgment spontaneously manifest. A person is a plane crash who survives it, is not under judgment but given an opportunity for testimony, which is an opportunity to be refined in the soul (emotions) and change a mindset of the world they have been wishing to change. " All that time in prison opened my eyes so I wrote a book and lives have been changed as I always prayed I could do." This is an example of stillness.

I believe Adam was designed to be the covering or protector of the female and also stand in a position of logic to balance Eves more emotional design. As female we are to understand that when Their Word says, Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, the marrow of bone is what develops the white cells. You are your husbands immune system consciously. This is why we are called helpmates. We help to fight the struggles no one can see, but can only see the symptoms of. Females are the door to the next generation. They carry dynasties of new thought in their wombs, industries, kingdoms, inventions, cures, teachings, music, art, dance, theatre...and they carry path for politics, not just the politicians. ;) Heavenly Mother Holy Spirit also imparts gifts, as mentioned in the Holy Trinity thread, female influence is what drives men to action and comforts them while taking said action. Mother is Binah- (Wisdom). The Supernal Womb of the Multi-verses. Feminism is the enjoyment and understanding of that which is female in human nature. It is not an attempt to masculanize oneself to make the point you are equal with male masculinity. How can it be termed feminism without the "female"? Most Female who try to for over-masculinity are often competing with a male abuser they have yet to forgive.

The way one comes into relationship with Christ is to simply confess your sin ( self-condemnation) which is to recognize and speak aloud (alone) that you condemn yourself a lot and realize thats one of the things Christ died to keep you from doing, as He is the Bridge from judgment to mercy and believe in your heart( where your decisions are made) that Jesus is the Son of God and gave himself as a sacrifice to restore your communication with God, and that He is Lord of your Life. Confess with your mouth he is Lord because, Their Word says, Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Acknowledge Mother and Father within you as well, and be comforted. You WILL hear lyrics to songs and receive images in your head. Ask for the interpretations of these. And follow your impressions, impressions come with no sound, voice or image, but a simple and sudden, inner subtle " Hey, I bet (fill-in-the-blank) is happening right now, thinking about me now, feeling this way now...or an I need to do this now, need to hear or watch this now..." Thats an impression. A knowing. The lyrics are usually the telling you how They feel about you and what they have planned for you circumstance, as well as the images. It is for you to metaphorically interpret and align the interpretation with those things provided under covenant (the promises made by God to us healing, direction, peace, love...) For instance, I saw someone laying in an alley with their guts spilling out. This meant their was someone in my life who wished to expose all of their innerworkings to me, but felt isolated and frightened to do it. Your perception of your thoughts is personal and key to your relationship with God.

Another gift that is provided by Christ the Bridge to mercy is also a connection with others under covenant no matter what the distance. Those under covenant can pray to Jesus, and ask Him to send a message of images or words to a person. And the other party under covenant( can receive those messages in lyrics or images, ask Jesus for the interpretation of the lyrics, and take the images at face value. The Dark Crystal? The Gelflings? The Dream-fasting or sharing of thoughts and memories. Collective consciousness, its a gift. The visible understanding of this is the internet. Have I hugged you or encouraged you to contact me? lol...All is Welcome into the Family.
Christian Mysticism.

Worship is a lifestyle, reverence and a conscious recognition of the Works and Almighty Position of Heavenly family. Praise is something you do( draw, write, sing, invent) to show everyone else how awesome Heavenly Family is.
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Buddhism to me. I've always believed in Buddha, reincarnation, meditation etc. I'm actually thinking of switching religions because I think that Christianity is a whole load of rubbish.
Since I've last seen the documentry "Deliver Us From Evil" I loathe priests, bishops and the pope for raping children and allowing other priests to do so. As for Jesus, sure he existed and made miracles but was not the son of God. He did not awake from the dead but was probably in fact in a comma when he got crucified. It's been years since he died and I just think that the story is exaggerated far too much. The teachings of Buddha makes much more sense to me, and the idea of reincarnation and Nirvana is more logical than dying and going to Heaven/Hell forever. That is only my opinion though.
.... and the idea of reincarnation and Nirvana is more logical than dying and going to Heaven/Hell forever. That is only my opinion though.

Reincarnation of the soul, is the recycling of an emotional response system for a given purpose. Yeah, Laro. And as far as the other readers....

Both visions of Hell and Heaven are metaphorical. Not literal.

There is no flaming fucking hellfire for a soul because a soul has no skin. :wtf:Pwned.

There is no streets of gold or jewels in heaven because there is no need for currency when there is no skin.

:wtf: Pwned. Read here for more on Heaven and Hell.

If you do not believe in a creator, how did your 3 1/2 lbs. of brain matter calculate the activity of brain cells... without flawed brain cells doing the calculating? So to say there is no designer of said brain cells that supposedly developed and designed said concept by themselves, is to claim to reach the conclusion that 3 1/2 lbs. of brain wear the pants in collective consciousness. And to say so, one is hereby

I believe in the intent behind all religions that being goodwill and harmony between all people. Seriously most religions are just fucked up the build all these churches to worship and pray but tell you god is everywhere. So why can't you worship everywhere. The money the pile into there delusion could be better spent. Besides would a real God condem you to enternal damnation for one simple mistake.
Let's try a simple approach. I believe life is life and death is death. We are governed by morals that are brought about to us through society. I mean let's face it, most people tend to believe what they grow up around. Christianity is the main religion NOW, correct? Well, let's look back for a bit. Pre-date the Bible, before all of those events. Well, if the central focus of Christianity was designated in the Middle East/Asia, or condensed I should say, then what of those people who were not apart of it? I mean, I'm pretty sure half the world didn't die in a fire of Hell for having no belief in God. It's not ignorance either, I mean, no one knew of it. So, how can people even say that Christianity, or any other main religion for that matter, is the right religion?

Anyhow, away from my personal rant, I am a devote Buddhist, and have been for many years. Now, before we go on about how I'm a Buddhist, I would like to also mention that I do not percieve Buddhism as a religion, considering the new-age definition of religion is generally pertaining to having a God or set of Gods as a means of creating the Universe and so-forth. I consider myself a Buddhist practioneer, someone who lives a Buddhist way of life. I follow (loosely, no one's perfect here) a set of doctrines that show how to live a certain way. I'm not out to say it's the right way to live, but I do it because I feel that I'm inclined to do things for others and seek deeper meaning in my life.

Buddhism in general as a religion/way of life I believe is more open too. Christianity is so confined to what is wrong and what is right. I mean seriously, homosexuals are horrible? Catholic's have Popes, which, btw, are VOTED on by other Cardinals. Don't even get me started on Catholicism's religious system....not the people, the system. I think Christianity is a great religion in ideas and theory, but the deliverance is horribly done. So many restrictions, so much stuff made up. It's like a big bag of marbles and every marble has a huge black mark on it.

A koan I read a long time ago really hit the spot for me once.

"A university student while visiting Gasan asked him: "Have you ever read the Christian Bible?" - "No, read it to me." said Gasan.
The student opened the Bible and read from ST. Matthew: "And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They toil not, neither do they spin, and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these....Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself."
Gasan said: "Whoever uttered those words I consider an enlightened man."
The student continued reading: "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."
Gasan remarked: "That is excellent. Whoever said that is not far from Buddhahood."


I voted "A strange mix of different religions piled into one."

I consider myself an Eclectic Christian Universalist. What that means:

Eclectic: I have beliefs from various religions including Gnosticism, Judaism & Kaballah, Mysticism, Buddhism, Wicca, etc.

Universalist: I don't believe in an eternal hell fire and brimstone place that people go to. But my main beliefs are Christian based (I just believe Jesus is LITERALLY the savior of the world). But I also believe in reincarnation, karma, possibility of other gods, etc.
I'm an Atheist because I wasn't born into and raised in such an environment. I also do not see proof as to whether all of this is real or not.

I think Science will tell us the real truth someday. :monster:
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I'm a pretty faithful christian, i follow the bible 100%, I do alot of praying, worshiping and meditating.
and you know I find burning incense and meditating at the same time really relaxing :)
I got church alot and enjoy it there.

now I also have lived as an atheist for a while but I really dug down and examined the facts, I looked at both sides of the story. I looked at history, I looked at census', fossil records, the effects of the church, the effects of people experiencing "God's presence"
I decided that christianity made the most sense, and then after living like that for a while I had an intimate encounter with God and the feeling of God's presence was so great and empowering there's really now ay to convince me otherwise now ;D

now don't let yor self get confused, I'm also 100% for science, I love science and I encourage them to dig deeper into the world. but as everyone should, some theories aren't necessarily fact and are to be treated as theories.
I believe in the big bang theory as a fact though, seems to make alot of sense,

and I also don't believe some of Darwin's evolution, I believe natural selection can lead to some changes over time,
but I'm not so 100% on the whole monkey to human thing (or really dinosaur to bird for that matter :D)

yup thats seems to be my beliefs in a nutshell, I could go deeper on God's greatness but that could take days XD

(also no one reply saying,"oh your wrong about everything what about this this and this?"
I'm not debating, just stating, I'm a tad debated out right now :D

but to answer something I read not to long ago, you can worship anywhere. I do ti all the time, just churches are a nice place to be with the people who believe the same way as you and to listen to teachers as they teach on the word. never says in the bible you have to go to church :P
and God does not condemn for simple mistakes, he is a loving and forgiving God. if he really damned people for one sin everyone would be screeeeeeeeeewed! but no he forigves all you have to do is ask for forgiveness. plus he doesn't condemn people for mistakes at all anyway, we all screw up now and then. you really got to ask for forgiveness if you did something intentionally.
and going to a pastor or priest for "confessional" isn't a good way of doing, you just gotta pray :D
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I'm an agnostic in the "don't really know, don't really care" bracket. I am open to the concept of religion, but not at all convinced by it, and not particularly interested in finding out. I will tell you one thing though: Nothing short of a miracle taking place in front of my very eyes will ever convince me.

I voted "other"
Firstly, I'm a Christian. I believe in the events of the Bible, but I also believe that it was written for the people of it's time, and that some things in it could have been misunderstood because times change a lot.

For instance, the book of Revelations seems completely insane, but people back then didn't have the technology we do today, and wouldn't know the difference between a semi-truck and a dragon if they saw it in their day. Any and all descriptions are simply their way of trying to explain what they saw.
I'm not saying that all the descriptions are inaccurate, just that the possibility is definitely there.

I was watching this program on the history channel all about the Ten Commandments, and they brought up the famous "Honor thy mother and father". Until then I had never questioned why that commandment was so important, I mean if your parents were abusive drunks who enjoy causing pain then why would you have to honor them?

But then the program went into detail as to why. At the time the Ten Commandments were written, the Israelite's pretty much existed in small family communities, not in large groups of unrelated people. You'd have your family and extended family and that was it, each person would play a vital role like watching the sheep or preparing food and whatnot. If you cut off the head of this community the whole thing would fall apart and more than likely you'd all die because you can't survive in the wilderness without order. So it makes sense that your parents would have to be the most respected people in your family group.

Nowadays of course, if your parents died it wouldn't be the end of the world for you, there are charities and opportunities that wouldn't be available back then. So basically

Secondly, I believe in Christ's teachings. But the teachings of Christ were basically god rewriting and updating the old testament teachings. There are many practices in the old testament that Jesus seemed to imply should be updated or even thrown away. That isn't because the old testament teachings were wrong, but rather that they aren't as relevant as they were back then.

So basically, if Jesus taught something then I believe it, and that's the most important part. Any and all passages in the old testament need to be seriously considered both for moral value and guidance, but ultimately the teachings of Christ have the final say.

The only thing that I feel is necessary to be a follower of Christ is simply believing that he was the son of god, he died for your sins, and rose on the third day. Just accept him as your savior and that's it. There are tons of other things said about what is moral or immoral, but they are insignificant when compared to those core beliefs.

Finally I'll sum it all up:
1. When considering the old testemant, realize that it was written for the people of that time.
2. Anything Jesus taught takes priority over the old testemant teachings, sometimes overidding them when necessary.
3. All that is required to be a Christian is faith that Christ existed and died for you. Any other teachings are insignificant in comparison.

That's basically what I believe. Any moral beliefs I have on particular subjects may agree with the Bible, but they're decisions I made. I don't believe them just because it's in the Bible, I believe them because it's how I personally feel.
I believe that religion is fucking finished. It's over.

All of them have had a few thousand years to get it right, and they have failed miserably.

Take your Vatican, take your Mecca, take your God and piss off.

It's the problem with the world today, plain and simple. A blind man could see it...