What FF game are you currently playing

Crisis Core.

I decided to restart the game (well, use the New Game + option) and play through on Hard Mode. How silly of me. :wacky: I've just
fought Sephiroth for the second time and heading to meet Cissnei in Gongaga.
I'm not looking forward to the other 200 missions or so I've still to do...
I'm playing Final Fantasy 3 (DS) and I've started to do a perfect file on Final Fantasy VII today.

I'm not very far in FFIII, I'm just past the Tower of Owen.
Im playing 7 cause i couldnt get the chocobo lure materia on my main save since i sold it D= 9 and 10 are my favorites =D
Currently playing V. Just got to Galuf's world in search of a game in which I beat Omega and Shinryu. I am playing the SNES version, after completing the preceding 4 games all on their original platforms.
Right now I am at the beginning of Final Fantasy 7, because my friend told me was starting a new file and I just couldn't resist but to dive back in.

Currently in Kalm, getting ready to head into the Mythril Mines and get some Limit Breaks. :D
I've stopped playing Final Fantasy 4 recently, since it's on my computer and when theres dialogue, theres a lot still in another language. So now i've started up FF12 again. I really wanna go to my last save.. the game i started previously because of what happened to my first file. But i'l afraid i'll be lost and not know where to go. But anyways i've restarted it all together and i hope i can finish it this time.
Final Fantasy IV DS.
I am about to enter the Tower of Bab-il.
Also, Rydia/Rosa twincast is EPIC.
i'm actively playing IV and IX atm

VI wasn't as good as I thought it would be, and IX exceeded my expextations rediculously
There's a list.

Well I was playing Final Fantasy VI but I learned all spells and got to level 99 with everyone but Gau and my memory got corrupted. So I'm playing FFT WOTL, FFV, FFXII. probally gonna play through Crisis core once again but just for fun. I'm not doing the missions again.

In FFT WOTL i just got done fighting the assasins that you can learn ulitma from.

In FFV I just got done with the big bridge in World two. So i'm still pretty early in the game, I just got to Galufs and went through the bridge the first time.

In FFXII I'm still taking a break on getting my last like 5 to 10 items for my 100% complete.
Currently playing Final Fantasy Tactics (again). Debating on whether or not I should try a SCC soon.
I am almost in Kefka's tower but I still don't have that blasted Paladin Shield yet! I want to learn Ultima!
Well I'm in the process of, FFV11 and FFX11 I've been playing FFV11 more frequently so i'm trying to get that done :D
Then X11 i've been on FOREVER but justy haven't had the time :/ which suck monkey nuts cos, i frickin love that game its so fun :-)
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
It's pretty good so far, I like the law system thing that if you abide you get rewards, the graphics are nice, the quests/storyline are entertaining and the battle system is good. Can't wait to progress further. :)
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
It's pretty good so far, I like the law system thing that if you abide you get rewards, the graphics are nice, the quests/storyline are entertaining and the battle system is good. Can't wait to progress further. :)
You think? Compared to FFTA, I don't like FFTA2 at all. :/ Can't explain why, something just feels off.

Anyway, I'm currently playing Final Fantasy (PSP remake), Final Fantasy IV (DS remake) and Dissidia. I just completed Final Fantasy VIII and IX again several days ago and I'm not bothering playing Final Fantasy X, where I'm currently at the final battle with Sin.
Well I was playing VIII, but my disc 4 won't work on my PS3 :mad:. I'll have to see if you can transfer my virtual PS1 memory card data to an actual memory card and finish it on my PS2.

I wouldn't really mind if it was one I'd already played before but this is my first play through
You think? Compared to FFTA, I don't like FFTA2 at all. :/ Can't explain why, something just feels off.
Hmmm, I can't really compare since I've never played FFTA xD
But it seems alright if you haven't played FFTA because I have no expectations of how good it should be or how it should be like, but I'll take your word for it and I'll play FFTA after. :)

Im afew missions in, was rather pissed off when my battery died just as I was about to save it. Although I finally ge the battles the laws are stupid, and the storyline, well dont even get me started...I just think it's ridiculous -_- Not holding this game in high regards at all, I dont get why so many people seem to like it.

Still playing FFXII - just in the process of training. Need to complete the gay bestiary, do those dan quickenings and beat zodiark... something Im gunna be doing for a god long while i think
I once again feel the need to play through as much of the series as i can but currently im working on FFVI just smoked ultros for the 1st time and working through the 3 way story split.

In FFVII Just caught up with Aerith and received and escort to sector 7.

and in FFVIII just went to the top of the communications tower with seifer to put a whoopin on the ugly flyin beast up there.

Just started again x3 but then again......fun x3
FFX-2, playing it like a mad-whore!
I'm on Chapter 3 atm, just flying through at the moment. Trying to complete much as I can, take advantage and get all the dress-spheres... Planning a second run-through though. Might take up a few challenges on it. :3