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  1. Wolvatron

    Things from earlier games that you wish were in later games

    2 words: controllable airship.
  2. Wolvatron

    FFXII Soundtrack

    soundtrack was AMAZING. i actually own it. it's a beautifully orchestrated collection. you can tell that so much work and emotion was put into it. i love just sitting back and listening to it.
  3. Wolvatron


    yeah. he takes forever, dude. good luck. ;)
  4. Wolvatron

    Just Beat The Game... Very Dissapointed!

    it's almost like you need a love story to show "emotion", since you mentioned that there's no emotions except between ashe and rossler. i think you missed out on tons of emotions and story while you were looking for the love story. 12 is a very mature story. full of decisions, war, politics...
  5. Wolvatron

    Is it any good?

    lined up to the more recent ones? probably not. but it is a classic that needs to be played. grab it if you can find it. it's a very fun game.
  6. Wolvatron

    Just Beat The Game... Very Dissapointed!

    i'm with lisa on this one. no character development complaint again? no story? *sigh* i just don't get it.
  7. Wolvatron

    Smoking Can Kill You

    *shrugs* occassional for me. i can make a pack of cigs last for like 10 days. i'll probably stop all together soon.
  8. Wolvatron

    Dude...try this game out!

    holy crap, you bunch of youngsters. i started playing FF games from the beginning. FF1 on NES. played that over and over again with a friend of mine.
  9. Wolvatron


    i was like high 80's when i fought him. he was easy. :)
  10. Wolvatron

    Is anyone happy about the turn-based system being replaced?

    nah. while i played KH a really long time ago, i didn't make any connection at all. just wait until you get 12. it will consume you. :)
  11. Wolvatron


    7 > 8. and that's what i have to say about that.
  12. Wolvatron

    Have you ever faked it?

    you girls and your sneaky fakings. fortunately, they never work for me. i know if a girl is faking. ;) and i can't help but relate the first post to a Seinfeld episode. in fact, it was almost word for word.
  13. Wolvatron

    FF7 Game for another character

    that should have ended the thread right there. agree 100%.
  14. Wolvatron

    Favorite Mist?

    yeah. basch's level 3 is probably my fav as well. the fire effects are so frickin' awesome.
  15. Wolvatron

    The Rain on the Plains...

    since you're already at the southgate, you could just look to the plains and you can tell if it's raining or not. :cool:
  16. Wolvatron

    Final Fantasy in decline?

    well, since i'm in a far better mood today than i was yesterday (my apologies, btw), i disliked 10 because i got WAY too bored with the tidus/yuna scenes. i also found the villian to be, uhm... too girly and not menacing. tidus' voice bugged the crap out of me and i didn't think the voice...
  17. Wolvatron

    Guide listing hotspots for Battle Chains?

    what level are you at? when you reach 35 or so, you could skip down to the feywood and go to the southern section and chain mirror knights. they also have very awesome loot.
  18. Wolvatron

    Final Fantasy in decline?

    he shouldn't have to back up his opinion any more than i have to. i didn't give any reasons why i didn't like 10, and i don't feel like i have to. *shrugs* but i agree with you on everything you said. i loved 12 from beginning to end. storyline was FAR more mature with real political issues in...
  19. Wolvatron

    Final Fantasy in decline?

    captivated. good choice of words. 12 has grabbed me and has yet to let go. i haven't quite figured out why so many people hate the story. then again, most of those are the same people that loved 10, which i hated. yup. i said it. i disliked 10 so much. i forced myself to finish it, then...
  20. Wolvatron

    Omega Mark XII

    yiazmat = 50 million HP omega mark XII = 9 million HP from what i have heard, omega is still a really frickin' hard battle. i'm still chipping away at yiazmat, so i'll probably be fighting omega for myself soon enough.