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  1. Wolvatron

    FF7 Short Stories

    i never learned how to read. :(
  2. Wolvatron

    Final Fantasy VII Snowboarding

    hrm. cute. can't say i'd ever get it though.
  3. Wolvatron

    help please!!

    why can i not remember this guy...?
  4. Wolvatron

    The Leveling Grind... Love It or Hate It?

    depending on what you're "grinding" for, TrueSephiros. if you're going for license points, then i agree it was way too easy to get everything for everybody. however, leveling up the characters to 99 seems to take way longer than it should. and finally, i never did like the term "grind"...
  5. Wolvatron

    got the soundtrack for christmas.

    get it. you won't regret it. i've been listening to it nonstop for the last couple of days. you would think i would be sick of it after the 125 hours i put in the game and now 20 hours with the soundtrack, but i'm not.
  6. Wolvatron

    How many hours did it take you to beat this game?

    let me know when you take down yiazmat. ;) i'm working on him now.
  7. Wolvatron


    that's interesting. would be helpful on yiazmat. ugh... that guy is annoying.
  8. Wolvatron

    FFVIII Issues

    wow. seems like it'd be a lot easier to just get it off ebay for playstation.
  9. Wolvatron

    Changing Appearance

    definitely should not have changed back. once they get the upgraded classes, they should stay that way. weird..
  10. Wolvatron

    got the soundtrack for christmas.

    i knew that i loved the music while playing the game, and my dad got me the soundtrack for christmas. there's a lot of detail on it that you miss while playing the game due to sound effects, vocals, etc. i don't understand why a lot of people didn't like the music. it's frickin' awesome. :cool:
  11. Wolvatron


    thanks, dude. ;) Wolverine + Galvatron = Wolvatron. i've had this screen name for so many years now.
  12. Wolvatron

    How many hours did it take you to beat this game?

    well, i beat it when i was about 120 hours in, but i was trying to do a lot of the side things. my 3 main guys were at level 87 and i WHIPPED the end guy. you could probably take on the final boss with the levels you're at right now.
  13. Wolvatron

    Rare Monsters

    certain rare monsters only appear after you've been accepted into the hunt club at phon coast. there are 80 rare monsters, yes, but not all 80 drop trophies. i think maybe only 30 or 40 do. and in order to be accepted into the hunt club, you have to have access to the strahl.
  14. Wolvatron

    Secret passage in Stillshrine

    i found it early on as well, but like chaos said, i never used it. so away it went! *shrugs*
  15. Wolvatron


    i did it in no particular order. everybody got 2, and then vaan got 3. i never use them, so it's not that big of a deal for me.
  16. Wolvatron


    sounds exciting. ;)
  17. Wolvatron


    yup. gilgamesh is the only guy you can steal the armor from. if you've already taken him down, then you missed out on the genji gloves. :( for those wondering, the masamune has the highest combo rate of all the katanas. also, masamune + genji gloves + haste + bravery + berserk = ownage.