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  1. Sell Sword

    The Good Points of FFVIII

    The storyline, the gunblade, the characters :) I agree with you on all those especially the last one, where it was the best game ever, without a doubt :)
  2. Sell Sword

    FFVIII - Did it have the best summon system ever?

    I used to always rely on summoning a GF at the beginning of each battle but I grew tired of waiting through their little attack scene so I just ended up equiping (junctioning) them to a few choice characters to make their regular attacks much stronger so that all they'd have to do was attack...
  3. Sell Sword

    The Overpowered Junction Ssytem

    I really enjoyed being able to make a character in your party a power-house just by junctioning a bunch of GFs to them. By using the Darkness technique i was able to deal 9999 dmg to even the last boss.
  4. Sell Sword

    The Gunblade

    I personally believe that the gunblade was the best weapon creation ever in ANY game series. I've always enjoyed playing the game for that factor alone as well as customizing it to make it stronger and give it that different look. What did you think of it?
  5. Sell Sword


    Lol I was always happy to see Odin appear at the beginning of the battle because you knew it was an easy victory ;P I didn't like how long it took but the way he killed his enemies was impressive with the japanese characters and all. Sometimes only a little sliver of the enemy would be cut off...
  6. Sell Sword

    who thinks zell and selphie might be brother and sister?

    Oo, creepy thought, lol. I don't think they are because they'd have said that in the story line... wouldn't have they? :S
  7. Sell Sword

    FFVIII Movie?

    Idk how well that'd go over. I couldn't see why FF7 was so popular, in fact i couldn't even stand playing the game. I'd like to see an FF8 movie but I doubt that'd happen :(
  8. Sell Sword

    Should they remake for PS3?

    I think that'd be a great idea. I loved FF8 enough as is :)
  9. Sell Sword


  10. Sell Sword

    Selphie useless?

    I thought Selphie made a great addition to the games storyline. She was so cute and 'new-student'ish ;P
  11. Sell Sword


    Why is it that when I post my count doesn't go up? I have a total of 2 posts but that's from when i created my own threads, but when I post on another topic it doesn't change.
  12. Sell Sword

    Most tear shedding scene in final fantasy

    The ending of Final Fantasy 10
  13. Sell Sword

    Which FF do you replay the most?

    Final Fantasy Tactics
  14. Sell Sword

    Who was the hardest boss in the whole FF series?

    I'd have to say the final boss in FF3. I remember the first time i fought her and your party gets killed (which they have to) and the screen went blank. I was like "well um... okay i guess i can't beat the game" and gave up and didn't play it for like 2 weeks, then when i tried again i realized...
  15. Sell Sword

    Trying it out

    Anyone want to have a battle? I just wanna see what it's like. please someone like lvl 2 or 3? lol^_^
  16. Sell Sword

    Hottest Girl

    I'll have to go with Rinoa :d
  17. Sell Sword


    Hi. I'm new to this forum but don't get me wrong, i'm no newbie ;P I was getting tired of having my own so I decided to join another. It's just funner that way lol. Hope I can become an asset to the site:)