Search results

  1. I

    Who is your best character?

    Cloud is blatantly the best character, because of omnislash
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    What should happen to these people?

    I saw a bit of a programme about them...Crazy ignorant bastards that didnt need the attention of the media if you ask me
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    Did You Cry At The Ending?

    Cry? Hell no, i hated Tidus
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    The Best thing about final fantasy X?

    The sphere grid is perhaps the best system of teaching your characters techniques from any FF, with the exception of materia
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    Would you be Auron?

    Auron is pretty kool, but given the choice to be any character from X it would probably be khimari...imagine having blue skin
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    Advent Children AC's Hawtest girls

    Tifa was the hottest in the game and the hottest in the film, damn shes fine
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    Did you Use A Guide?

    I didnt use a guide until my second time of playing it
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    Who is more terryfing?

    :O How dare you!I think you would find yourself irresistablly attracted to him lol I say Ward, that fat lump would scare the hell outa me, with his big old anchor weapon or whatever it is
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    Anyone else think it was slow?

    By slow, do you mean tedious and time consuming? Because if so, then yeah it is in a way
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    What did you do when Aeris died?

    laughed maliciously, like the maniac i am
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    Who's more Femine?

    cloud because he wears purple...
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    FFXII story

    I personally think that the story in XII is pants...
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    How long did it take you to beat the game on your first try?

    about 100 hours, but im not one of those people that has to rush through games JUST to finish it, i would rather take my time and explore n stuff
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    Is Seymour Gay?

    lol ok i understand your point about it being typical mage/japanese attire, but from the where im looking and in the society i have been brought up in, he just appears queer...i suppose that highlights my ignorance...oh well
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    Apperently im Reno...Thats quite kool il take that
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    What will you take?

    Kiros: His hair & skin colour Squall: His Gunblade Cloud: His Purple suit (lol joking), his hardass attitude Irvine: His Charm Seifer: His coat Reddas: His beard Balthier: His Wit Auron: His Voice Barret: His Body
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    The Cutting of the hair. (Spoilers)

    I cant remember what it was about at all, but it was one of my favourite vids in any FF, it just made me smile for some reason...
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    Ethics in School

    In some parts of the world organized crime allready exsists to a level that they control everything
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    Favourite British Band

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    Are humans good, bad or evil?

    Its got to be impossible for a human being to be completely divine, we live in a world full of hatred, you can't escape it, it's part of the learning curve of life, no matter what your outlook is you will end up being decietful or act in a way considered morally bad on more than one occasion