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  1. Travnia

    RPB - The Garden of Eden - [open]

    [Travnia Biography] The Garden of Eden ...And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden...
  2. Travnia


    He has a discontent for the UK, he's voiced his opinion about David Cameron in the past about him being a "lightweight" and made it clear that when the SNP Scottish government and UK government made a decision about the Lockerbie bomber he was " outraged" ; he forgets himself about all the UK...
  3. Travnia

    Britanny Murphy Dead.

    She has the octo-mom mouth! The bad pouty mouth surgery.
  4. Travnia

    Britanny Murphy Dead.

    Damn thats bad. She was damn sexy in Sin City - I liked her more than Jessica Alba. Shame.
  5. Travnia

    Christmas Number 1

    More stupid than being spoon fed and told what to like and what to buy?
  6. Travnia

    Christmas Number 1

    Check out these RATM songs, if you like Killing in the name of then you will love these tracks. Township Rebellion Wake Up Know Your Enemy Bullet in the Head Bomb Track Take the Power Back Guerilla Radio No Shelter Sleep Now in the Fire Testify Bulls on Parade Fistful of Steel *its official...
  7. Travnia


    Anyone play or own a Warhammer army? Not the computer game but the actual Games Workshop model boardgame Original, 40k or Lord Of The Rings. I own a Tau Empire army in the 40k universe. My List: 24 Troops 10 Pathfinders (3 are Railgun models) 1 Stealth Unit (Advanced Models) 2 Hammerhead...
  8. Travnia

    12 New Final Fantasy XIII Screenshots [Spoiler Free]

    The characters have yet to win me over, they dont seem original or unique. I'd like to see something entirely new. The graphics still look great though.
  9. Travnia

    Final Fantasy best villain

    Sephiroth: cold calculating genocidal maniac. Sephrioth is one of the coolest looking bad guys, I especially like how he is quite simplistic in his design. No fancy jewels or special equipment, just black and white. Amazing. His character is almost constant throughout FF7 building him up to...
  10. Travnia

    Three New Final Fantasy XIV Screenshots Surface

    Thats looks like true fantasy theme gameplay. I like the look of the costumes, not to mention the effects are gonna be spectaular.
  11. Travnia

    Christmas Number 1

    Rage Against The Machine for xmas number 1. Im sick of this BS x-factor having a monopoly on UK music industry. Sony may own rights to RATM and whatever Simon Cowell manufactures on that farce called x factor or all its other incarnations, but something needs to be done; to say people...
  12. Travnia

    RPB - Pathfinder - [open]

    Travnia could feel it, the call had been answered. It had sunk its claws into the yearning desire of others and dragged them to Nordstone. Awaiting the arrival of the summoned, Travnia sat silently frozen in position, his head continued to be bowed down looking to the frozen landscape at his...
  13. Travnia

    RPB - Pathfinder - [open]

    [Travnia Biography] Pathfinder Execution day in Nordstone; a day of public satisfaction courtesy of the township. For the city of Nordstone the harsh climate lead to resentful residents and public executions were seen by all as a means to provide entertainment for the townsfolk and justice...
  14. Travnia

    Adhoc- Laptop to Laptop

    Without seeing your network is a bit hard to advise, but there are some things you can try. What is the make and model of your router? 1. For the laptop with connection in the URL bar type: [then press enter] Depending on your security settings you may get into your routers settings...
  15. Travnia

    Bio approval: Waiting List

    Awaiting Approval
  16. Travnia

    Travnia RP Bio

    RPB Role Playing Battle Biography Name: Travnia Title: Star Streamer Alignment: Neutral Race: Angel Gender: Male Age: 7 Billion - [G] Eye Colour: Dull yellow Height: 6' 5" Weight: 255 Ibs Build: Medium build Hair: Very long, chaos black hair Appearance A sophisticated looking angel best...