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    Help Tonberries

    How do you defeat them??! I'm freaking out >.<
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    Help [FFX] Chocobo training...

    haha I do that all the time too ^_^
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    Help [FFX] Chocobo training...

    haha thanks, it's so frustrating XD the birds come out of nowhere!
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    Help [FFX] Chocobo training...

    Any tips on how to get a time of 0:0.0? I can't seem to get under 10 seconds.
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    Help [FFX] lvl 4 key spheres

    I'm sort of at the point in the game where I can do whatever and go wherever before starting that final battle against Sin. I want to get a lot of the bigger abilities for my characters, like full-life, auto-life, and ultima, but I found myself with a lack of lvl 4 key spheres. Any easy/quick...
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    FF Cosplay.

    These have to be the most amazing cosplays I've ever seen! Great job.
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    Do you like Blitzball

    I hatee blitzball. SO annoying and frustrating. :\
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    Omega vs Magus Sisters.

    Yunalesca, the first time I ever fought her. Just because I had so much satisfaction after beating her, cause it was such a long fight, and a big struggle at first for me. I died so many times, and when i finally beat her, it was great. Then later on i decided to start a new game and beat her...
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    Level 4 Key Spheres?

    Does anyone know how to get a good amount of them in a fairly short amount of time? I'm looking to go start the final battle against sin, but I want to get ultima and auto-life first. Too bad they're like surrounded by lvl 4 locks haha.
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    Chocobo Trainer?

    I've already fought Defender X, i'm at the point where you pretty much should finish up everything before heading after sin for the last time.
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    Chocobo Trainer?

    Remiem temple is in the extreme southeast of the calm lands, and you need to ride a chocobo to reach it.
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    Chocobo Trainer?

    I've been running around the Calm Lands for about an hour now, searching for this chocobo trainer. Ive run all along the borders of the calm lands, and I think i did a decent job of searching the middle of it too. I found like 3 random chocobos just running around, but it doesnt seem like I can...
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    Dissidia Fighting

    I'd probably use my favorite character (Tidus) but not stick with him all of the time. I definitely want to check out the other characters.
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    Lulu's overdrive

    I don't think that it changes... you just get different spells and become stronger.
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    Summons vs Dress spheres

    I liked the summons from X better than the dress spheres, but it really would make no sense if we could use them in X-2. I think my favorite dress sphere would have to be alchemist :D
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    FFX-2 Battles

    What are you opinions on the way you battle in this game, as compared to in X? I personally liked X better, cause you had time to think without pausing, and you wont like die for taking a minute to think.
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    Do You Like the Character Yunalesca?

    I think that her speech is really good, and I guess her appearance is okay... but I really did like the boss fight against her just because it was so challenging.
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    Tidus with black hair

    oh i definitely agree! this is right along the lines of what i was going to say.
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    At first, Seymour's voice irritated me SO much. That and his little laugh. It frustrated me, but then I realized that it made me want to defeat him so much more. I think that the way he acts just encourages people (like me) to want to destroy him even more, so he is a pretty decent villain.
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    Trials, fun or annoying

    I really enjoyed most of the trials cause even though they were difficult at times, they were each unique to the aeon that you would receive after completing them. I especially liked the one at Macalania, even though that was the one that I messed up on the most XD