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  1. SpacePeanut

    Hello Mellow Yellow ^_^

    Awww, I was hoping there would be Mellow Yellow I can't get enough of the stuff .... Well hello and welcome I don't mind Hyper People they very entertaining. I'll be looking forward to your posts!
  2. SpacePeanut


    I love Chocobos, they get you where you need to go fast. Not just because they are supper speedy but because they keep you from running into all those battles you can't take two steps without getting attacked.... Oh ya, and would someone Pass me some Kentucky Fried Chocobo it smells GREAT!
  3. SpacePeanut


    Welcome Back! I agree with you about President Bush I know I didn't vote for him!
  4. SpacePeanut

    Yep, hi.

    Thats cool that you are from england, I'm waiting for the Wii to actually stay on the shelves also.
  5. SpacePeanut

    Squall or Cloud?

    Squall all the way!!!!
  6. SpacePeanut

    When did you became a FF fan?

    I became a Final Fantasy fan when I was 17 I borrowed FF8 from a friend. I had no idea what I was doing and got half way throught the game before I asked for help. My friend was shocked to find I hadn't taken any magic from the draw points and had gotten so far without it ... It was so...
  7. SpacePeanut

    The most best looking guy

    I think Squall is hot! FF8 was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played so I tend to favor it .... A LOT!!!!
  8. SpacePeanut

    FF Music Best/Favorite Music?

    In my opion Vagrant Story had really good music I'm suprised know one else thought but then again I sometimes have weird taste.
  9. SpacePeanut

    Playstation Star Ocean

    I've tried so hard so hard to play this game but just couldn't finish it. I have purchased it twice and each time I play a good portion of the begining and end up trading it in.
  10. SpacePeanut

    Secret of Mana

    I played and I love it! In fact I still have my SNES.
  11. SpacePeanut

    Yep, hi.

    Where are you from?.... The only reason I would get a Playstation 3 would be for Final Fantasy. I want a Wii ^-^
  12. SpacePeanut

    Yep, hi.

    Hello, I'm new too! Did you have the old playstation 2 or the tiny nice newer one
  13. SpacePeanut

    What if the end of the world was just tomorrow?

    I would live in a cave and hope no one finds me
  14. SpacePeanut

    Favorite Keyblade (I and II)

    I like Oblivion
  15. SpacePeanut

    Whats your opinion?

    I loved KH it's was a good game I got a little frustrated with the Alice in Wonderland world but other then that ^_^ it was great
  16. SpacePeanut

    Which songs would never go with the characters?

    Tidus - "It's raining men"
  17. SpacePeanut

    Which voices do you prefer? Japanese or English?

    I would have to say I like English because the Japanese voices are to high pitched for my taste
  18. SpacePeanut

    The Alphabet Game

    H is for Hilda Garde an airship named after Queen Hilda of Lindblum
  19. SpacePeanut

    Best looking costume for sora

    I like Sora as the lion the best!!!
  20. SpacePeanut

    Um Hi...

    Hello I'm new to this site and I enjoy Final Fantasy very much ! I've even had people tell me I look like Quistis when I have my hair up and bangs down ^_^