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    Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ Codes

    Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Codes M) CB6+/Gs3+/Xp4+[code] 903088e0 0c0c21e0 M) CB/Gs/Xp F02F5EF8 002F5EFB Inf Drive Form 201a1be0 c60001b8 /OFF = 46006006 Free Drive Note: U must have The bar amount needed to Transform But it Does not Subtract when Reverting Good use with Inf Drive form...
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    New scans and Screenshots

    this game is set to be released this year on december 31 FF13 will be released about 2 weeks before that
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    Zanmato Note: I can't spell

    no exactly, i've paid him 1,000,000 gil and all he did was send his dam dog out to kick the enemy
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    Dirge of Cerberus Haven't played it yet, is it good?

    no this game is devil may cry gone retarded. the battle system isn't good and it dosn't feel like a final fantasy 7 game
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    Ipods are bad for you

    thats cough*bullshit*cough
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    The Final Summon

    aeons take a similar form to their fayth. to have the final aeon you must sacrifice 1 of your guardians to be the fayth for the aeon. depending on who she would have choose the aeon would look similar to him/her thats why braska's final aeon looked like jecht ( because he was sacrificed to be...
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    that sucks bro, me and one of my ex's might be getting back together ( we said we still like each other and stuff ) but my asshole of a "friend" ( not really anymore ) is trying to date her and is telling her stuff like i make fun of her behind her back and shit so i guess i kinda know how you...
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    Tech "file is ruined"

    the game ( when it loads data from devices aka memory cards ) looks for changes in the memory address and if it finds something wrong it considers it corrupted data. this normally only happens when i practice new hacks for this game but there is a code to bypass it basically if yor using a...
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    Memoria - Finish

    steiner can learn those moves. you can get the weapons with those attacks attached to it a dangerrou ( can't remember how to spell it but it's a hidden place in the bottom left of the world map that has ALOT of good items and weapons )
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    Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ Trailer

    there are no plans for this to go outside of japan, you will have to import it KH2 final mix will be in english but COM remake will be in japanese
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    cloud vs. barret

    its a game, you can be shot 2,000 times as long as you have a way to heal before you die
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    cloud vs. barret

    she didn't mean it like fist fighting, she meant did you and barret argue alot
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    Zack's death

    there are many story's to clouds sickness 1) some say mako poisoning ( he was in a glass tank full of mako ) 2) others say he was injured 3) some say it had something to do with jenova
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    Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ Trailer

    i would want to play as dark riku
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    Zack's death

    zack and cloud ( at the time had mako poisoning ) had just escaped from nibelhiem and were getting away to live in midgar and zack was planning to start a mercanary buisness but shinra didn't want there to be any witnesses to the sephiroth incident so they order them to be assasinated. along the...
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    Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ Trailer this is the preview to KH2 final mix and COM remake what do you think about it.....
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    Play As Maestor Seymour

    lol calm down its no big deal, i make codes like the seymour code to make the game ALOT funner ( i don't cheat on my 1st play through, that will take some fun out of the game )
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    Play As Maestor Seymour

    seymour cannot summon anima, but he does have a cool overdrive this code can be glitchy if you have a full party ( meaning you have every character in the game )
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    Kingdom Hearts 2 codes

    I didn't hack the system, I hack the ELF/SLUS file in the game ( basically that where all of the data of the game is ) yes all of the codes i posted are tested and work get a gameshark version 4.0
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    lol actually it is but you need a gameshark ( version 2.20 or higher ) i always hack the shit out of this game, my party is sephiroth ( yes i actually control him instead of the computer doing it ), young cloud, and aerith ( her last 2 limit breaks are good )