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  1. Endria

    Hunt Help

    Thank you to those who helped - I think I had full MP when I finally found him. I also lured a few fiends with me. That second part probably didn't make that big of a difference. This was a replay, so I didn't necessarily need a play tip - but that's awesome. Thanks!
  2. Endria

    Hunt Help

    Well I'm glad to hear that I pretty much did what I had to do. I'll give that area a try again. I don't think he minds if we have our Gambits on or not like another Hunt. I'll just exit and retry. Thanks!
  3. Endria

    Hunt Help

    Hello all -- I decided to replay FFXII, and started the level III - V hunts. The one that's giving me issues is the Mind Flayer hunt, assigned by the Garif. I'm in the right area (from as far as I can tell - Phase 1 Dig) and he's not appearing. I talked to the Garif that posted the bill, so...
  4. Endria

    Yiazmat Question

    Thank you for moving this - for some odd reason I didn't see the help booth. Now I can restock and get some accessories I apparently missed!! :)
  5. Endria

    Yiazmat Question

    Hello all - I've been surfing the web, and can't find an answer. For those who have fought/attempted/beat Yiazmat (sp?) - I know that you can run away to the save crystal, but can you "leave" the Pharos to restock? I went in with full supplies, but now they're basically gone. Thanks in advance!
  6. Endria

    Favourites & Worsts List

    Favorite Character: Balthier Favorite Male Character:Balthier Favorite Female Character:Fran Favorite NPC: Dr. Cid Favorite Guest Character: Vossler Favorite Race: Viera Favorite Judge: Gabranth Favorite Weapon: Masamune Favourite Equipment: Dark Mask Favorite Magic: Scathe Favorite Technick...
  7. Endria

    Who's the main character?

    True answer: Ashe. My wish: Basch. I guess I like his story better...
  8. Endria

    is that the WHOLE ending? (spoilers possible)

    Interesting that you'd think Ashe and Vaan would fall in love. They didn't interact in that manner as far as I can see. I also liked the sketches in the end credits. I think I squeed until I passed out when I saw Fran with her sisters, and baby Balthier/Fframaran (sp?)with Dr. Cid.
  9. Endria

    I admit it it, I do not like this game.

    I personally thought there was more. Like... I dunno... the twin thing? Granted, it was towards the beginning, but it had a lot of people fooled when they first learned about the game. I'm biased since I'm a Balthier fan - I liked the reveal of fact, but I would have loved to "see" it rather...
  10. Endria

    First Scan

    When I saw the graphic with the students, I was psyched. Then I learned it was for a mobile phone....Grrrr........ maybe they'll think about it for PS3 or PSP if XIII is going to the PS3. One can only hope...
  11. Endria

    Replay Value?

    I'm on my second replay right now. I was ready to replay after seeing the ending. When I replay, I spend more time leveling up and trying to finish more of the sidequests. I think if you didn't have a great time the first time, don't bother with a replay. If you enjoyed the game, it's worth it...
  12. Endria

    FFx-2 Ruined the series? women have no business saving the world? Yes, it wasn't the BEST FF ever. No, it definitely wasn't the worst. I liked the concept of three main female characters. I didn't necessarily love the J-pop angle they went with. (I didn't hate it either, but that's just me) So, if that's the...
  13. Endria

    The Legendary Guardian

    Please count me in. Auron is the bee's knees.
  14. Endria

    Boring set of playable characters

    ^^ Good call. I like Penelo, but what is the point of having her there? "She's Vaan's friend." ...good job. You save her and then she tags along. I wish Basch was the main character. He has the most drama - or maybe I'm biased. Ashe has a decent back story as well, but I just don't find her that...
  15. Endria


    Thanks! I'll try to stay active!!
  16. Endria

    Who are your main guys?

    I switch out my characters a lot - I was thinking of leaving three @ level 50 or so, and worrying about my main three, but then I thought, what if I get mowed down?>_< I really have a main "two" if anything. Basch is my tank. I switch out his weapons because of curiosity. Balthier is my...
  17. Endria

    Who did you give your espers to?

    Bash does rule. ;) I wonder if the young'uns think he's too old. He's juuuuuuuuust right!! To stay on topic... I'm on my second play through. I think I changed up the pairings slightly. I have 3 Espers to go in this play through... I gave Belias to Ashe, because it was fitting storyline wise...
  18. Endria


    Hello! Just a quick introduction. I found this forum while looking for game tips. I also hope to join the online gaming of FFXI sometime in the next few months. Now to delve into the threads...