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  1. boonufts


    okthxbai SEEYA
  2. boonufts

    The End

    Nice, it doest seam as rare as they say it is =/
  3. boonufts

    The End

    Did anyone of you ever get Selphie's "The End" Limit Break? I just got it for the first time while replaying the game. If you haven't got it here's a film. They say it is incredibly hard to get, but that it kills bosses instantly (never tried it...
  4. boonufts

    Ultimate Weapons

    That's the one. I never used Quistis though, since Squall, Irvine and Selphie were my top team. And if someone wonders, I used Selphie only for Full-Cure in the final fight against Ultimecia when she does Hell's Judgement. Great.
  5. boonufts

    Why Yojimbo instead of Odin?

    I agree with everyone who says that Yojimbo should have been Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is probably my all-time favourite character in FF because he tends to be clumsy but still so cool! Like in FFXII when he leaves his sword behind after the second fight. :D But still, Yojimbo was probably inspired...
  6. boonufts

    KH What level where you on?

    Level 8 leaving, 76 (with sora) when i completed.
  7. boonufts

    Ultimate Weapons

    I got the Lionheart, Save the Queen, Ergheiz and Irvine's Ultimate wep (w/e it is called) and yeah i spent some time looking for the items, but I finally got them :D
  8. boonufts

    Best formation?

    I played as Auron, Tidus and Yuna untill I beat the game, then I switched Yuna for Wakka.
  9. boonufts


    well tell me why namines name is not an anagram of Kairi then?
  10. boonufts


    I do not think that Namine is Kairi's Nobody. Well this is why. In Secret Ansem Report Nr. 3, Ansem the Wise talks about how his 5 apprentices Even, Ienzo, Braig, Dilan and Aeleus has become Nobodies and created Organisation XIII together with Ansem, Seeker of Darkness a.k.a. Xehanort. Well, if...
  11. boonufts

    What's your highest chain?

    257 killing the mobs that appear after killing Zeromus (you get 140k gil for selling 99 blood darkened bones that you can get very easily from killing them.)
  12. boonufts

    Best & Worsts Discussion

    Auron's Masamune and Tidus' Caladbolg in terms of looks. Yuna's Nirvana in terms of usefulness.
  13. boonufts

    KH The Platinum Match

    Lvl. 67, 1 Elixir ( He was far away from me when he did "Sin Angel" or w/e ) Ultima Weapon, Curaga, Ars Arcanum. And a lot of practice.
  14. boonufts

    Did anybody use Tecknicks?

    I used steal, charge and libra a lot. Never really bothered to go all the way down to Telekinesis on the LB. So i just used magicks and Fomalhauts against flying monsters.
  15. boonufts

    Heya all!

    Hello everyone :D I'm a swedish boy and a BIG FF-fan I have all the final fantasys for PSX and PS2. Hope to get a lot of friends here :)