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  1. Nikita Solidor

    Three things

    Yay on all three. Especially the third. I haven't run across the First or Second one yet, so I dont realyl have an opinion on them, but hey, they sound like crap.
  2. Nikita Solidor

    I spent

    How many pounds equals a dollar, or vise versa?
  3. Nikita Solidor

    I'm such a cry baby

    I'm like the complete oposite. I can't cry unless the family is having a major fight and someones about to die. Other than that I don't really cry, even when I want to, its like my tears are dried out or something. I'm not sure how to help you out, but I hope you find something.
  4. Nikita Solidor

    The Three Armoured Characters

    On youtube there are some threads about the names of the three people. Plus they have an extended video that shows a couple of the armored guy's faces. I can't give the link ATM cuz I'm in school, but I'm sure you guys can find it on your own.
  5. Nikita Solidor

    I spent

    I spent one dollar on a cup of noodles, then puked it back up after over-exerting myself in Weights calss then ran a temp. of over 100 degress F, and couldn't stop shaking..... DAMN YOU PROCESSED NOODLE MAN!
  6. Nikita Solidor

    What's your mood?

    Mood: fearful, mad Reason: Because im about to fail my senior year if I dont get this damn project done, tis deperessing
  7. Nikita Solidor

    Hot men

    That guy from Lucky Number Sleven is hot
  8. Nikita Solidor

    Pregnant man... wtf?

    Maybe it'll have a tranny child. But yea, thats just... wierd. Very wierd.
  9. Nikita Solidor

    Awesome Random Facts

    Peanuts arent nuts. Their beans.
  10. Nikita Solidor

    Username Change Thread

    oh, sorry. how 'bout "Nikita Solidor" then
  11. Nikita Solidor

    Silent Hill

    OMG. Thats all I have to say. I love Silent Hill so fuckin much. I listen to the musique every day and I watched the movie 20+ times. I'm about to finish SH3. I LOVE IT. I'm obsessed wiht the darkness. Anyone else have such a passion for this movie/game/w/e as I do?
  12. Nikita Solidor

    Poetry Poetry

    Bound by Darkness, Taunt by light, Delve in Happiness, A life so bright. A creature lurks around, Deep within its bowels, By the light is it bound, Tainted by dark howls, Wandering a Labyrinth, Finding its way, Through the dark labyrinth, Bound by fear and decay, Searching for the center, The...
  13. Nikita Solidor

    Username Change Thread

    How much longer do I have before mine can be changed? If the time is now, don't change it just yet. Still deciding.
  14. Nikita Solidor

    Races of the Party

    I think it would have been interesting to have maybe a Bangaa or a Moogle in hte group. Maybe have the moogle do all the mechanics if any should be avalable.
  15. Nikita Solidor

    Who was always in your party?

    Balthier (leader) Fran and Ashe
  16. Nikita Solidor

    Username Change Thread

    Can I have my name changed to Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev?
  17. Nikita Solidor


    Shonen...? It was but now its gone.
  18. Nikita Solidor

    Poetry my poem

    Very nice. I like the wording.
  19. Nikita Solidor


    This sucks... I just saw the thingy with who has the most post, whos new, new posts... and now its gone D:
  20. Nikita Solidor


    Very.... original name. Welcome. Please enjoy yourstay, if you have any question, dont ask me. I'ma noob here as well :D