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  1. H

    Final Fantasy XII = Star Wars

    Actually the main theme sounds really similair to Star Wars as well. Also most of the vehicles and races/creatures look like they were taken straight out of a Star Wars movie and given the FF touch.
  2. H

    Why do the characters look like crap?

    I think the characters look too realistic and too delibratly european/caucasion looking. I noticed the environments and worlds in this game look gorgeous but the character designs dont. Especially Vaan. Also everyone looks too similair. Im also not loving the voice acting or dialogue in the...
  3. H

    How do I optimise FF12 for an LCD TV

    Okay I just got the component cable. It seems to have made the colours look alot better and more vibrant and has made the image sharper and its a noticable differnce on Final Fantasy. But overall everything now just looks aliased which I dont mind but I was wondering if there was some...
  4. H

    Help Does it matter who I sell my loot to?

    Thanx Than for the help guys:)
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    Help Does it matter who I sell my loot to?

    Thanx for the help guys^_^ If I do make a mistake like that is it permanent?
  6. H

    FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

    I havent played it but it strikes me as a very mysterious and cool game. But no matter how great something is that doesnt protect it from being over-rated and I think this game unfortunatly did get overated. Still that doesnt make it any less great it just depletes the value a little bit...
  7. H

    Selling Equipment

    Yep me too. I just cant part with any of the epuipment.
  8. H

    Favourite playable character?

    Fraan! Easily. Shes female, and shes the most mysterious and non human character there. Ive only just started playing though.
  9. H

    Final Fantasy XII = Star Wars

    Dont forget the specships and alien creatures. They looked like they were lifted and modified right out of a Star Wars film. I dont know too much about Star Wars but I think its great that theres a video-game that borrows the best from other great properties and puts them into a more accesible...
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    Help Does it matter who I sell my loot to?

    I just got FF12 and Ive havent played that many RPG's so Im a little uncertain about how I should be selling my loot. Can I sell my loot to just anyone or should I be more careful and hold on to certain rare items to give to certain traders?
  11. H

    Why do the characters look like crap?

    Its the noses:PEveryone seems to have the same up-turned nose for some reason. Also I found Vaans character model left the most to be desired.
  12. H

    FFXII - Worth Getting?

    Just got it and glad I did Okay I got this recently because I was actually able to find it at a store. Ive havent really even left Rabanstre yet but from what Ive seen so far Id say this is definatly worth getting.:) For anoyne like me like adventure games like Zelda arent sure about Japanese...
  13. H

    How do I optimise FF12 for an LCD TV

    Ive changed my mind. I think I will buy a compenent cable for my PS2 after all. I cant find any official Sony PS2 ones within Australia however there are some 3rd party one's but Im not sure I should get them. Has anyone ever used a third party compenet cable and did it work well?
  14. H

    How do I optimise FF12 for an LCD TV

    Actually yes your right. I found several cables online. Unfortunatly I only have 2 Compenent outputs on my TV and Im using both of them for my Xbox and Xbox 360:unsure:. I think Ill just settle for what I have until I can get HDMI cable for my 360 and free up the component output. Im not...
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    How do I optimise FF12 for an LCD TV

    Is it possible to use component cables? Because Ive looked all over the internet and I dont think Sony sell component cables for the ps2.
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    How do I optimise FF12 for an LCD TV

    Im not sure about the flicker filter though:confused:I read somewhere that its actually meant to be used to scale down HD footage. But Im still not sure if I should use it when playing FF12 on a HD TV.
  17. H

    How do I optimise FF12 for an LCD TV

    Hi guys. I just bought FF12 and unfortunatly Im playing it on a newer HD LCD television so Im having visual problems. My question is, what settings should I select in order to get the most out of FF12 on this newer TV. Should I turn the 'Flicker Filter' option ON or OFF? Should I set it to...
  18. H

    FFXII - Worth Getting?

    Well my holidays are over and Ive given this a pass for now but I might get it later. I couldn't find it in the store and I couldnt be bothered buying it online and waiting for delivery so I bought something else instead. But I still might buy this later on when I have time to play.
  19. H

    Coming for 360?

    I also cant see it looking as good on a 360 and like I said if the 360 version doesnt at least match the ps3 version then I wont buy it. So it probably isnt a good idea for SquareEnix to port it to other consoles if they cant make it look as good. Although if they added enhancement to the 360...
  20. H

    Coming for 360?

    Im a 360 owner and this shocked me as well:O. I didnt even think that it was possible to port it to 360. This is really similair to the time Square had to switch from Nintendo to Playstation so I think PS3 lovers should have seen this coming. I think that like last time Squares lack of loyalty...