Why do people hate this game?

People just don't like this game soley because FF7 came before it. I mean people are to pickey now-a-days. I'd say it was one of the better FF in the series.
lol I find that to be quite unfair and I'm sick of people saying shit like that. I'm a fan of FFVII, in fact it is my favorite, but I love FFIX to pieces.

FFIX is my second favorite FF. I just loved it. The way the characters looked didn't bother me at all. I loved the settings, the music, the way the world looked, etc....And the whole game gave me the warm fuzzies of nostalgia around every bend xDD
To be honest, I really liked this game.. the only one I HAVEN'T liked so far, out of the ones I've played would have to be FFXII.. Don't beat me up for that, I just really hate big areas. Like, I got lost in the opening city, and I got ticked off.. I'm also not one for reading maps, so that didn't help me any... the game was just way too big for my liking..

But um, that was all about FFXII, so about FFIX.. I think it combined a perfect amount of the Final Fantasy likeness, with the storyline of a great game.. It's good in all aspects, and I'd play it again if the discs weren't broken.
.. I'm also not one for reading maps

LOL! Do you drive. and if so, whats the farthest youve ever driven! Just messin!

But i do agree with you Random.Virus. VIII and IX are my favorite Final Fantasies for PS1. And IX had the perfect story, difficulty, enemies/Bosses, characters, abilities and magic, weapons and armor.

I like VIII because i am literally a god/demon, and can beat anything that steps in my way. Ive mastered it to a T.
A lot of people I've talked to disliked the game because the graphics were too "cartoony." I thought the change was nice, actually. I loved this game, and I still do.
:devil: i dunno about anyone else but i find it confusing as to how i steam through the game killing every boss and then get screwed on the nova dragon at the end.
LOL! Do you drive. and if so, whats the farthest youve ever driven!

I do have my permit.. and.. the fathest I've ever driven is home from school... but my mom told me where to go.. I'd have gotten lost without her.. :lol:

But yeah, FFIX is looked down on, not sure why, it's really good.. one of my favorites.. Though it does get a little boring towards the end, imo.
A lot of people I've talked to disliked the game because the graphics were too "cartoony." I thought the change was nice, actually. I loved this game, and I still do.

I guess some people just can't take it to heart that a good storyline is better than the best graphics can offer.

FFIX just made me wanna get in there with the rest of em:D
And that's my second favorite FF after VII, even though IX was the first one I ever played!
Right at first I was iffy about the graphics; I thought they were goofy looking, but they grew on me. ^_^
I don't really have anything against the game, I think people just don't like the fact that it changed a lot of things. Especially in comparison to FFVII and FFVIII.
My biggest problem I had with it was the change in the Triple Triad system. It took me long enough to get used to the first one dammit!
I agree with Rhea. It really looks odd with them squeezing 4 characters on the screen. And even though the game had such a grainy look... it just looked odd in the game. It did grow on me over time though.
I don't dislike this game as much as I do FFXII, FFT or FFTA I just don't play it, maybe because of the graphics compared to present day, however, I've got a weird feeling I'm gonna end up going back to this game one day and completing it ^_^
People hated it because it was so different from FFVII and FFVIII, and until IX came out, those were the only two anybody had played. Little did these newcomers to the series realize that IX is actually more like previous FF games than VII and VIII, not a radical departure.