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    Final fantasy VII Winamp Skins!

    How do you have cait sith skin but not a cloud skin? Is that legal? Also what's a winmap skin used for?
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    You know you've watched AC too much when...

    When you actually know every line of the movie both in japanese AND english and are able to recite them word for word.
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Rude! He has a crush on Tifa!
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    If Only...

    Mine is FFXII and Avin summed up all my thoughts about it. And i Lol'd when you mentioned Basch being a warrior and wearing shorts. I thought that was weird for a warrior too but i didn't say anything.
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    What final fantasy do you think was in the middle?

    I haven't played anything before 6. I'd say FF12 was pretty middle of the road. The story was nothing spectacular. Battle system was meh. Character design was decent. Basically for an FF this was in the middle. Weapons weren't all that great. Bosses weren't all that scary. Surprised people...
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    Why Square-Enix?

    I signed up because it's one of the few forums that have little or not flame wars as opposed to most forums. Also FF has always been one of my favorite games of all time.
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    Aerith & Sephiroth - A closer look

    I'm not sure if this is true but Zack was actually the main character of FF7 i think but the designer didn't think his hair made him stand out enough so they used Cloud's hair instead. Once again i only heard about it.
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    Favorite Blitzball Move

    Nap shot. I've never seen something so funny where a goalie actually falls asleep lol. Honorable mention is the Jecht Shot of course.
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    Lulu's fury

    I got to 9 with all her level 2 spells. (fira etc). The trick to getting it high for me is to put your palm over the analog stick and turn it that way instead of using your thumb.
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    Is Kimahri really needed?

    Wakka is supposed to be the one who is the devout follower of Yevon no matter what until finally there is no explanation for it. Also he is essential to the story because the only reason Tidus follows the group around for the first part of the game is because he bears a striking resemblence to...
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    Yuna's Arm

    It's not a mistake. If you look at her arm her arm is turned sideways so it's at it's thinnest. And since she's already a skinny girl when she turns her arm sideways it looks all skinny because it's basically her bone since she's skinny. Watch it really closely. Turn you arm her way and...
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    easiest and hardest bosses

    hardest boss: Yunalesca easiest boss: Seymor first encounter. I've been replaying the game lately. I checked the guide and i notice that the guide really tries to overlevel you. They expected Lulu to have learned all the lvl 3 spells (firaga etc) by the evrae altima fight.
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    What would never happen in a Final Fantasy game

    Yuffie? Freya? Penelo? Eiko? Rinoa? Selphie? Quistis? Them coming out with a FF fighter game featuring all of the past famous FF characters. (Like Ehrgeiz except from PS1 FF and on)
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    Lightning dodging

    I want to know a good strategy for dodging the lightning. Like what your strategies are for doing it over a long period of time. I've never been able to dodge 200 times in a row either because i lose focus or i over anticipate. So anyways tell me your strategy for dodging lightning.
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    The Promised Land

    I have a theory that it's underground somewhere.
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    Favorite Fight Scene

    Sephiroth vs Cloud Cloud vs Yazoo, Kadaj, Loz in the Forgotten Forest.
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    My vote goes to cloud. No real reason to explain why other than the obvious that he's freaking cloud and can slice anyone with his buster sword.
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    Ginger Discrimination

    Isn't this ginger? Irvine is ginger i think. He's not such a bad guy.
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    Tips? Hints? Pointers?

    Buy at least 3 restore materias. And don't forget All materia is your friend.
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    Favorite Final Fantasy Ending

    9 is the best IMO. It wraps it up really nicely and really makes you feel like you've completed a really great game that you wish would go on forever. Vivi is awesome. I don't think he **** though. I love Vivi. I honestly think he's like my 2nd or 3rd favorite character ever.