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  1. J

    First Impressions (XII)

    I nominate this for post of the friggin year! Excellent point! If there is a complaint about the group itself, as a whole, it's that they just seemed a bit bland. Aside from Balthier and Fran's chemistry (which doesn't even really show up until later) they don't spend nearly enough time trying...
  2. J

    Best President

    I never questioned the fact that Square was behind it. But my whole point is that in the game, it is made clear that Rufus and his crew dies. LATER, for monetary purposes, the idiots at Square decided to make a movie, and brought Rufus back. It's all BS, in my opinion. It's validity as a...
  3. J

    First Impressions (XII)

    Not so fast. They were all, in some part, in the resistance. Their goals all led them to the same place. The sky pirates wanted treasure, Vaan wanted adventure and to follow the sky pirates, Penelo wanted to keep an eye on Vaan, Basch wanted to avenge his name and aid the resistance, and Ashe...
  4. J

    Best President

    OK, it being "great" is your opinion. And it's completely up to ME if I want to include it in the mythos. It's not a video game, and was SUCH an afterthought that I don't have to consider it as a part of the FFVII story. And as far as the game goes, we don't know if Rufus survived.
  5. J

    Best President

    Ah, I see that we're accepting Advent Children into the cannon, despite the fact that it isn't a game and that it sucked butt royally. Well, I don't take AC into account, because it isn't a game. It's a movie adaptation of what happened after the Meteor, but it isn't a sequal. Not in my...
  6. J

    Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

    I won't even bother reading through this thread because I'll only get pissed off at ignorant responses. Whenever you ask a question like this, the ill-informed have only ignorant answers to give, of course. But I will throw my own opinions in the ring. There is nothing morally wrong with...
  7. J

    How much would you pay?

    PS1 was the platinum age of gaming. It really was. I don't blame you for wanting the PS1 generation fo Final Fantasy games. left out X. Any reason?
  8. J


    On its own, Last Order was good. I don't know why they changed the Sephiorth thing, nor do I understand why they changed the Cloud/Tifa thing, but otherwise, it was far better than Advent Children. Despite the two very glaring changes in plot, LO at least has a grip on the game, and represents...
  9. J

    Ugh, I want it!

    Well, now I'm confused. Did Sephiroth die BEFORE they fight him in FFVII? Either way, LO was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than AC.
  10. J

    How much would you pay?

    I think it's lame that the only release of FFIII was on the DS. That's IT. FFI: $5 FFII: $5 FFIII: (for a console) $50 FFIV: $10 (ATB system!) FFV: $10 FFVI: $50 (The best of the 2D games) FFVII: ? Who knows? For a mint original? I don't know if it works like that for video games. I've...
  11. J

    Is this true or not?

    Don't overlevel. I did it, and the last 1/3 of the game was boring as hell. 99% of the fun of this game is the feeling of accomplishment after winning the murderously hard boss fights.
  12. J

    Best President

    They were both scumbags, though. You mean to say that the first President didn't know what his actions were? I don't get it. Makes no sense. Anyway, Rufus lasted about a week as President, and he didn't accomplish anything at all. He said he'd control with fear, but how much controlling did...
  13. J

    Aeris vs. Aerith

    I feel SO vindicated! Aeris is better. Way better.
  14. J

    First Impressions (XII)

    I think the problem is that everyone expected this game to be the best one in the series. I mean, it got a 40/40 in that famous game magazine in Japan, and the graphics were the best yet. So I don't blame people for being upset that this game wasn't everything they thought it would be. The...
  15. J

    Each Final Fantasy its own Franchise?

    I watched the interviews with the directors and developers of FFXII...and man, I don't know if it's a cultural thing ro what, but those guys sounded more disappointed with the product than anything! The main director said the fighting should have been been more streamlined, and sounded almost...
  16. J

    Gameplay vs. Story

    The first two hours of Final Fantasy X, anyone? Anyone? Sniff...I smell XII... Hey! Go XII yourself! I was so sick last night, I nearly XII'd myself. I VIII and I VIII and I got sick on the know the rest.
  17. J

    Aeris vs. Aerith

    I DO think the name Aerith is stupid. But only because I'm used to Aeris. To me, it sounds snobbish and elitist to see people using Aerith, when I know damn well that ALL of them played the game with a character called Aeris. That's fine. We're cool. And that's what I'm talking about. Dude...
  18. J

    Final Fantasy XIII to last 10 years?

    Fabula Nova Crystallis, according to the special features disc that came with FFXII, means "New Tales of the Crystals". I think XIII will be good. I don't like the idea that I'll have to buy a different game system to play the next installment, or even play one of the installments on my f'n...
  19. J

    Is this the last Final Fantasy?

    Like many have already said, Final Fantasy is nowhere close to ending. If anything, the franchise is expanding. With the advent of X-2, they broke their rule of no direct sequals. Since then, we've seen all the VII spawns, and they've already said XIII will be a series of games on a bunch of...
  20. J

    Each Final Fantasy its own Franchise?

    You'll be almost 23 in 10 years? Holy shizzle. I'll be almost 37 in ten years! Anyway, you're absolutely right. VII has been beaten to death, all while not spawing a direct sequal on a console. How f'd up is that? If they had said, OK, here's a sequal, and it's for the PS2, I would have been OK...