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  1. kezzamanezza

    free subcription?

    how do i get the free 30 day subscription> i just installed this on my computer and it keeps telling me i have to pay, but the case clearly states i have a free subscription.... how do i get it?
  2. kezzamanezza

    FF Music Piano versions

    to zanarkand... and aeris's theme. melodies of life is nice. i like alot of VII's songs, but i cant remember there names...
  3. kezzamanezza

    You may be more famous than you think!

    no. all the pictures that are taken of me are put on my friends bebo page. shes got like 40 albums of me posing. i like cameras
  4. kezzamanezza

    Looking for a tragic myth...

    there is this one maori myth... i cant remember all af it, its about how the sky god and the earth goddess were in love and they wanted to be together, but the sons didnt allow it for some reason and they split them up, after some struggle i believe... im pretty sure thats how it goes... i...
  5. kezzamanezza

    New FF players

    my sister would only play IX because she thought vivi was cute... other than that, i dont think i got anyone to play the games
  6. kezzamanezza

    Final Fantasy Retrospective part 12 is out... yay!
  7. kezzamanezza

    Piggyback Guide

    ive only got the XII guide at the moment... its pretty good, its got all the side quests and hunts and everything... but the writing is tiny
  8. kezzamanezza

    Final Fantasy Myths

    ive heard it was called the "onyx weapon" or something like that
  9. kezzamanezza

    Post your School Schedule

    monday: 1 - R.E 2 - music 3 - math 4 - science 5 - social studies 6 - graphics technology tuesday: 1 - R.E 2 - ICT 3 - science 4 - english 5 - science 6 - maths wed: 1 - science 2 - English 3 - ICT 4 - graphics 5 - P.E 6 - R.E thurs: 1 - P.E 2 - social studies 3 - maths 4 - ict 5 -...
  10. kezzamanezza

    Music Exam

    to zanarkand, if you learn it in time... moonlight sonata is easy to learn, its quite repetitive, but you need long fingers...
  11. kezzamanezza

    Choosing Party members

    i just pick the ones i like most... VII - cid and red XIII. i liked cid for no reason whatsoever, and i like cats. and i didnt really like the other characters VIII - havent played it fully, but i would probably use zell and irvine, or rinoa instead of irvine. IX - vivi, garnet and...
  12. kezzamanezza

    Do you train?

    i just deafeat all the monsters in the area and move on... it works for me. my friend is a hard out leveller upper - he was level 25 by the time he left midgar in FF7
  13. kezzamanezza

    Is this true or not?

    you sound like my friend.... he was level 25 before he left midgar in ff7...
  14. kezzamanezza

    Weird Ways To Die

    getting hit by an ambulance. (how ironic would that be?)
  15. kezzamanezza

    Craziest, Worst, and Best Science Moments in School

    craziest : when someone accidentally set fire to a desk (no one thourght of putting it out for some reason...) worst : when we did a biology unit with someone who knows to much about biology (she would not stop talking!) best : when my teacher showed us all her preserved animals... (it was...
  16. kezzamanezza

    Exam Results.

    my exams are done at the end of the year.... so... your school year is weird... idont like it
  17. kezzamanezza

    I chickened out

    my mum hates me playing final fantasy, but that doesnt stop me getting the games and playing them.
  18. kezzamanezza

    My Sweet 16

    i think its extremely halarious, because in every episode, something goes wrong and they all throw a hissy fit. its so funny!
  19. kezzamanezza

    Summoner Question...

    getting all the summons on your journey showed that you were strong enough for the final summoning to defeat sin.
  20. kezzamanezza

    Best formation?

    i used everyone except wakka and khimari. depended on who i fought