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  1. F

    Lol, I just had to post this

    in agreeance with Mortanius
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    quentin tarantino

    I started liking Eli Roth when he did Cabin Fever. It was a true horror film, it had blood, pot, teenagers in a cabin, sex, and people dying. The fact that it was about a disease made the movie even more believable. Kill Bill was a good movie but not like his older films. I mean Resevoir Dogs...
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    What IX might have been

    Umm...their isn't even a job class in FFIX. Did they mean for the game to have a job system? If they did that would of been incredible. But their is no Dark Knight, Bard, Archer, or Viking in IX so that leaves me kind of confused.
  4. F

    Which FF do you replay the most?

    I would have to say IX and X. I love the storyline and characters along with the old school battle system in IX. In X it's a pretty easy and quick game plus the character customization gives it a great replay value. Currently I am replaying IX and after i'd like to beat VII again I haven't...
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    quentin tarantino

    Quentin didn't write or direct Hostel that was Eli Roth who is good friends with Quentin. I also don't think the Kill Bill movies were of the quality of films Tarantino is known for. They were good but...meh compared to Pulp Fiction and Resevoir Dogs. I'm a huge horror/cult movie fan but...
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    PC WOW or FFXI online?

    I played WoW since Open Beta and just quit last month, I had 3 lvl 70s in epics and some 60s and 50s. I was fun for awhile but it got annoying and boring real fast waiting on group members for instances. It's very easy to sit down for what feels like an hour and it's suddenly dark outside. I...
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    Kissing Eyes

    eyes closed, it's just proper.
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    What did you do when Aeris died?

    I thought "...that sucks" then continued playing the game, I never used her or liked her to begin with so I didn't really care, but I knew she'd be back one way or another to help out in the end.
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    Dislike this game

    I will admit the storyline isn't quite all there. I especially don't like it when the game points out it's own mistakes like when Balthier asks Vaane "Why are you still here" and he can't answer the question. I agree he has no real plot in the story other then the fact that Bashe's brother...
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    DS Remake?

    Nintendo handles the FF games because they started on the NES...and so FF will always remain on Nintendo systems. And I think remaking the original NES/SNES FF games to a DS is a great idea. The graphics back then on those systems are about the same as what the DS can do and the DS can actually...
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    The perfect FF Solution

    Wasn't Vincent a hidden character or was he just able to get sooner then you were suppose to kinda like Yuffie?
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    Most Badass FF Female?

    I'd say 1) Tifa - in a straight up fight she's beat your ass before you knew what hit you. 2) Beatrix - One tough bitch, her demeanor is also pretty solid. 3) Faris - ...Pirate 'nuff said. 4) Paine - Just acts tough and like a hardass 5) Lulu - She'll put you in your place in a second, fighting...
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    Demon Wall

    It took me about 4 tries but I finally got it today, my characters were about level 22-23 and I had two characters with quickenings. Before the battle I 'zerked Vossler and as soon as the battle started I got a 6 chain quickenings and that got him down to about 60% from there I 'zerked Bash and...
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    First Impressions (XII)

    I agree 100% with Kain Aldar. Vaan- I have no idea why he's even remotely considered the "main character" Penelo - Typical caster class at first I thought she was going to be part of the love triangle between Vaan and Ashe. Basch - The Auron of FFXII he knew the workings of the Empire and was...
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    Black Magic

    Actually I think Rods are better for casters then Staffs. If i remember correctly Staffs boot a certain element like a fire staff/ice staff/thunder staff. But Rods boost your over all magic damage for every element. But i take my caster down both Staff and Rod trees and if a mob/hunt/boss is...
  16. F

    The Best Final Fantasy?

    I found this to be my favorite now also. I'm on my second play through and I'm using different characters as my main party and different weapons to mix things up. The game is defiantly pretty hard early on I've found myself grinding a lot in areas just before a hard battle now that I know what's...
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    [FF XII] Best Guest

    Vossler was my favorite, i'm a huge fan of physical attacks and huge swords and when he enters the party he is the first to use a Greatsword. Plus he just looked badass. When I had him in my party I ran around and got as many hunts done as I could. I also hear Larsa and Vossler are going to be...
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    No Over-Hyper Character?

    After going back and replaying this game i've decided that this is my favorite FF. Yes i'm a graphics whore but I really liked the story, could it of been better and gave more information about story behind the characters yes, but In my opinion the characters in this story were the best. It was...
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    SPOILERS Was 9 ruined by the ending?

    I like that the game got all weird at the end and gave you such a huge twist. FFVII did the same thing, it started off as just attacking Shinra Corp. but then at the end you found out their was a higher being at work that was the root of all the problems. Same thing happened in IX actually to be...