Search results

  1. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Dirge of Cerberus What enemy/boss ended up killing you the most?

    To me, Azul was a tad difficult and took me two or three tries. Rosso was simple and easy to read, you just had to watch her or you'd get burned. Nero I was a little dissapointed in...he should have been better. Shelke frustrated me, but I beat her easily. And Weiss, well, he took me at least...
  2. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Dirge of Cerberus Terrible Music

    Huh, I thought the soundtrack was pretty good. Not stupendously wonderful, but I did like it. Redemption, A Girl Named Shelke...those were some of my favorites. ^^ All in all, the music was pretty nice.
  3. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    More pathetic character design!?

    I agree with Aeris...Quina is fugly. endearing, oddly. Especially when he tried to eat Cid. XD Anyway, I'd say another ugly character would be...the Guado from X...o.O; Their a tad freaky looking.
  4. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Which Final Fantasy has best music?

    I can't really choose...all the games had good songs in my opinion...and none of the music was bad actually. Eh...well, the three games that stood out music wise are, to me, FFVII, FFIX, FFX. One Winged Angel- FFVII Aeris's Theme-FFVII Rose of May (Beatrix's Theme)-IX Melody of Life-IX To...
  5. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Favorite Battle System

    I haven't played XII but from what I see, its battle system sounds a lot more fun and hands on. Personally, I hope to get it soon to play it myself. ^^ Anyway, I'd say, out of the choices, XII is best.
  6. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Oh Noes! I be New!!! O.O

    Wow, thanks for the warm welcome. xD You're all too kind and I'll be sure to ask for help from all you guys if I need it. ^^
  7. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    What did you name squall and rinoa?

    I got bored an changed their names sometimes... I never changed Squall's though...he was my own mind, anyway. XD Rinoa...I named her Jade one time for a reason I still can't fathom...
  8. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Best Cut Scene

    In terms of style, I say the opening theme with the fight between Squall and Seifer. Made me want to swing a few blades myself. ^^ But my personal favorite was where Rinoa drags Squall out to dance. Heh, he pops out his shell there for a little bit and actually smiles!!! :D Nothing bad about...
  9. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Lore Question: Adel's Gender?

    I have to admit, even though you're practically told in the game that Adel is female, I began to wonder if you're lied to. XD I mean sheez, she looked practically male to me...but eventually I quit caring, because fighting her was annoying as hell. lol. And she might be a...a...a...
  10. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Your "A-team"

    I mainly used these peeps here... 1. Squall-even if he were optional, I'd still keep him anyway. His gunblade is awesome. 2. Rinoa-most of the time. Sometimes I switched her with Selphie. And she's necessary...I'd rather not use her really. I mean, at the end, she has to be in your party...I...
  11. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Guess what I just did.

    Wow. Good job. Thats what happens when you have plenty of time and your favorite game. ^^ I'd get annoyed after a while...leveling up gets dull after a while for me.
  12. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    What's your favorite FF7 quote?

    Just about everything Reno says is funny...but there is one that stands out in my mind from FFVII. Its when Don Corneo kidnaps Yuffie and Elena, when Cloud and co. show up. IF you have Vincent in your party, he says, "I don't care much for what your doing, but its just the stupid way in which...
  13. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Favorite Character

    Eh...I'm going to have to give a small list...of my top three favorites. ^^ 1. Vincent-he always stood out to me, and I always wished he'd just leap and smack Hojo upside the head with his claw. And then I like what he said when Don Corneo kidnapped Yuffie and Elena. XD Funny. 2. Cloud- Who...
  14. ~_Bloody Valentine_~

    Oh Noes! I be New!!! O.O

    Heh, yeah, I think I made this thread pretty clear. Well, hello folks, the names ~_Bloody Valentine_~ and I'm sure its also obvious which character I like. XD Vincent! Anyway, nice to meetcha, and I'm happy to be here at these here forums. And don't mind my weird way of typing...I'm bored and...