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    The Emerald Weapon

    I got the underwater matera. Mastered Final Attack and Mimic 2 times and got KotR up to level 3 and then i simply killed him by using KotR every single round by mimicing. If a player died hed insta revive and i'd just recast my KotR so i can keep mimicing. I also had W-summon so i summoned him...
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    Hardest Boss

    I'm surprised nobody mentioned Zu from Wutai. I've honestly never had a problem with Demon Wall it's always Zu who screwed me up. Not being able to use healing and summoning materia really screws me over and i despise having to use elixers and x-potions unless i really have to.
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    Cait Sith

    I thought he was really funny IMO. As for me using him playwise i used him my first and 2nd time. He was a really good meat shield. As for dealing damage i noticed that he landed Deathblow ALOT with what seemed like only a 5% chance to miss. So it seemed like he owned alot with deathblow...
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    What board/grid do you think was better?

    Sphere grid by far. Here is my primary reason for the preferance of the sphere grid over the license grid. In the sphere grid everyone has a certain starting place where they have a pre defined role. (Tidus and Auron=damage dealers, Lulu and Yuna=casters). You could stray off and make Yuna...
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    Favorite Weapon

    Buster Sword in Final Fantasy 7- Big swords own all lol. Lulu's Cait Sith doll in Final Fantasy 10- So cute.
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    What's the best mini game?

    You guys like chocobo hot and cold? I loved FF9 it's one of my top 3 FFs but it got annoying at times where i would only get like 2 treasures after seemingly walking around the same place where it's "hot" and not getting it yet. Personally.... 1. Blitzball in FFX 2. Battle Arena in FF7 3...
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    Who used a guide the first time through?

    I completed it first time without a guide. All i gotta say is probably the most annoying place for me to be without a guide is that snow area where you go after you snowboard. I must have been level 55 by the time i finally found a way out of that place. I will say i did find out how to get...
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    Final Fantasy XIII Battle System Detailed

    First off for everyone thinking that the battle system will be like FF12. I highly doubt it will. After reading this news it sounds like this battle system will be great. I must admit that back when the FF12 battle system was announced i was unimpressed by it. However by hearing this news...
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    The Alphabet Game

    G for Gabranth from FF12
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    Squall & Vincent

    I don't care for squall. He's cool and all. His gunblade is pretty awesome. Vincent though i like him alot. He's like my top 5 favorite FF characters of all time.
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    Aeris = TOO Powerful?

    Let's put it this way. The creators knew that she would ***. So to help this out they gave her arguably some of the best limit breaks in the game and she was obviously in the caster role because her attack/hp was pretty mediocre at best and her magic was high. So in a HYPOTHETICAL world where...
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    Beat The Last Move Used

    Ace_of_5pades equips ribbon and casts Death.
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    The 'Best FF Game' Thread

    FF7 FF9 FF10 My reasons for FF7 being the best have been stated by other before me. FF9 was just incredible. The character designs and art is probably one of the best art i've seen. Vivi's character is just incredble. FF10 was wonderfully made. The sidequests and the battle system is...
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    The Tipping Point - the moment that made you a FF fan

    When i played FF7 and i saw the cutscene in disc 1 where they are running out of the Shinra building and you see Cloud going down the stairs on his motorcycle. So badass.
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    Take the lead

    A) Do you usually like the lead character/s? B) Do girls or guys make better lead characters? C) Who has been the best lead character? I want reasons! A. I've liked every lead character in the game except for Vaan. B. I honestly don't care if it's a guy or a girl. C. I feel that Cloud has been...
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    Final Fantasy XIII - Not PS3 Exclusive?

    If Sony loses their exclusivity on FF13 i will lose all loyalty to the Playstation. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, God of War, and Devil May Cry are almost the sole reason i buy this system. I sincerely doubt that sony will lose their exclusivity on FF though. That's their main money maker...
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    Will the story bomb?

    As for your criticism on FF7 AC it was made that way i think so as to keep the people who didn't play the game into it while at trying to keep the hardcore players interested at the same time. If you cater only to the hardcore audience and basically add on to the story to make it great then you...
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    What summons would you like to see?

    Alexander, DoomTrain, Hades, Odin and Gilgamesh.
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    Beat The Last Move Used

    Ace_of_5pades casts Frog. heehee
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    What FF character are you?

    I got cloud.