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  1. Samurai_no90

    You Know You Play Too Much Final Fantasy When...

    if you open your closet and there is note above your head "can't equip"
  2. Samurai_no90

    HOMEWORK is it good or bad?

    normally it doesn't (I think) my grades are devided like this ex: organic chemistry total= 100% = theory (2h/week: 50%) + labo (2h/week = 50%) theory: the cumulative of al test + the cumulative of all homework (transposed to 10) with my lack of anglish i've made an example ex: I made 2 tests...
  3. Samurai_no90

    HOMEWORK is it good or bad?

    I hate homework have to sit 8h in a class and then come home and make homework (takes another 3 hours). But besides that, I'm glad I have homework, that way I can review my lessons, and get extra grades for it:P I think it would suck if i don't have homework. My grades would drop really low...
  4. Samurai_no90

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII Jump Fiesta 2007 Trailer Leaked.

    Thanks ^^ It looks pretty awusume
  5. Samurai_no90

    What Are You Currently Listening To V2

    Crusader's anthem - Dream evil 10/10 It's a song that makes my flesh creep Most of their songs do
  6. Samurai_no90

    Happy Birthday ♥Sayuri♥

    Happy birthday and all of that....
  7. Samurai_no90

    Crisis Core Which is your favorite turk?

    Reno and rude, but Rude more. Don't know why:huh:
  8. Samurai_no90

    What FF game are you currently playing

    now playing: crisis core, tactics advance and FF VII
  9. Samurai_no90

    What Are You Currently Listening To V2

    Holy thunderforce - Rhapsody 8/10 one of their best songs, only the solo could be better.
  10. Samurai_no90

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII Jump Fiesta 2007 Trailer Leaked.

    It isn't there anymore. I want to see it too :sad2:
  11. Samurai_no90

    So, who actually uses hand bombs?

    I used them once, then switched back to bows and guns, same for rods.
  12. Samurai_no90

    Hello to all

    Welcome, I liked IV to, I played it recently, but then i bought a PSP.
  13. Samurai_no90

    Party of 3..

    my party: Auron (FF X): great power attacks and health. Vivi (FF IX):black magic Cecil (FF IV): a paladin (good attacks and can heal) yep that's it, mostly in every FF game I play
  14. Samurai_no90

    What Square-Enix characters do you want to see in the KH series?

    I don't think i would like that ther would be other characters from SE games be in KH. The most of the characters i'd like to see are already in the game. But they could put in some more enemies (like necron: I think he would be perfect in the game :cool:)
  15. Samurai_no90

    Well hey there

    Hi and welcome Why are there so few people who finds that FF IX is the best one in the serie :sad2:
  16. Samurai_no90

    Crisis Core Crisis Core Storyline

    Well I don't see much differences with the story told in FF VII. indeed there are some changes. But as Helix said it's normal. Otherwise, there are plenty of things in CC that are excactly as in FF VII. Like in one off the emails you recieve from tifa, where she's talking about a blond guy in...
  17. Samurai_no90


    What have they said then? But don't worry I won't believe them :cool:
  18. Samurai_no90

    Crisis Core Is Crisis Core worth getting?

    It's really worth buying, It has a cool battlesystem, the way of leveling up is also nice and it has a great storyline. The only downside is that, normal mode is to easy and hard mode to hard:confused:
  19. Samurai_no90

    Worst Final Fantasy Game

    Damn, where were they thinking when they made that game. Don't like the story, the battlesystem,... @Argor251 a few of the spin offs are still great though (ex: Crisis Core)
  20. Samurai_no90


    HI Let's introduce myself. I'm samurai_no90, I live in a small village (Ertvelde) in Belgium. I sign up on this forum because i was searching for a new FF forum, since the old one was cancelled or something. The things I do: Going out, hanging out with friends, playing videogames, and every now...